CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION, AND THEORY OF OPERATION WATER WELL DRILLING SYSTEM (WWDS)Figure 1. Water Well Drilling Rig (WWDR).Figure 3. Mud Cleaning System (MCS).SAFETY, CARE, AND HANDLINGPERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTCORROSION PREVENTION AND CONTROL (CPC) Table 1. Preparation for Storage or Shipment Table 2. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms Table 2. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms - ContinuedTable 2. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms - ContinuedOPERATOR MAINTENANCE - WARRANTY PROGRAMTable 1. Water Well Drilling System.NOTICE AND PROCESSING OF WARRANTY CLAIMWARRANTY EXCLUSIONSEQUIPMENT CHARACTERISTICS, CAPABILITIES, AND FEATURES OF THE WATER WELL DRILLING SYSTEM (WWDS)MCS CAPABILITIESMCS FEATURESFigure 1. WWDR Left-Side View.Table 1. WWDR Left-Side Item Location.Figure 2. WWDR Right-Side View.Table 2. WWDR Right-Side Item Location.Figure 3. WWSV Left-Side View.Table 3. WWSV Left-Side Item Location.Figure 4. WWSV Right-Side View.Figure 5. WWSV Grouter Front View.Figure 6. WWSV Grouter Rear View.Figure 7. WWSV Welder/Generator.Figure 8. MCS Right-Side View.Figure 9. MCS Left-Side View.Figure 10. PAC Right-Side View.Figure 11. PAC Left-Side View.OPERATOR MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT DATATable 1. Performance Specifications for WWDR.Table 1. Performance Specifications for WWDR - ContinuedTable 1. Performance Specifications for WWDR - ContinuedTable 1. Performance Specifications for WWDR - ContinuedTable 2. Performance Specifications for WWSV.Table 2. Performance Specifications for WWSV - ContinuedTable 2. Performance Specifications for WWSV - ContinuedTable 2. Performance Specifications for WWSV - ContinuedTable 2. Performance Specifications for WWSV - ContinuedTable 3. Performance Specifications for MCS Table 4. Performance Specifications for PAC.Table 4. Performance Specifications for PAC - ContinuedOPERATOR MAINTENANCE - THEORY OF OPERATIONWATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)CHAPTER 2. OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS WATER WELL DRILLING SYSTEM (WWDS)Figure 1. Telltale Indicator and Diagnostic Display - WWDR and WWSV.Table 1. Telltale Indicator and Diagnostic Display - WWDR and WWSV Table 1. Telltale Indicator and Diagnostic Display - WWDR and WWSV - ContinuedFigure 2. Operator Instrument Panel - WWDR and WWSV.Figure 3. Engine Ignition Switch, Cab Heater/Air Conditioning, and Air Pressure Gauge - WWDR and WWSV.Table 3. Engine Ignition Switch, Cab Heater/Air Conditioning, and Air Pressure Gauge - WWDR and WWSV - Continued.Figure 4. Operator Control Rocker Panel - WWDR and WWSV.Table 4. Operator Control Rocker Panel - WWDR and WWSV - Continued.Table 4. Operator Control Rocker Panel - WWDR and WWSV - Continued.Figure 5. Operator Foot Controls - WWDR and WWSV.Figure 6. Steering Column Controls and Emergency Window Exit - WWDR and WWSV.Table 6. Steering Column Controls and Emergency Window Exit - WWDR and WWSV - Continued.Figure 7. Overhead Radio and Inclinometer - WWDR and WWSV.Figure 8. Operators Seat, Levers, Armrest, and Seat Belt - WWDR and WWSV.Table 8. Operators Seat, Levers, Armrest, and Seat Belt - WWDR and WWSV - Continued.Figure 9. Passenger Seat and Seat Belt - WWDR and WWSV.Figure 10. Right-Side Console - WWDR.Figure 11. Right-Side Console - WWSV.Table 11. Right-Side Console - WWSV - Continued.Figure 1. Drill Operator Control Panel (View 1) - WWDR.Table 1. Drill Operator Control Panel - WWDR - Continued.Figure 2. Drill Operator Control Panel (View 2) - WWDR.Table 2. Drill Operator Control Panel - WWDR - Continued.Figure 3. Drill Operator Control Panel (View 3) - WWDR.Figure 4. Drill Operator Control Panel (View 4) - WWDR.Table 4. Drill Operator Control Panel - WWDR - Continued.Figure 5. Drill Operator Control Panel (View 5) - WWDR.Table 5. Drill Operator Control Panel - WWDR - Continued.Figure 6. Drill Operator Control Panel (View 6) - WWDRTable 6. Drill Operator Control Panel - WWDR - ContinuedFigure 7. Tophead Breakout Wrench Switch - WWDRFigure 8. Hand-Held Main Jib Pendant - WWDRFigure 9. Hand-Held Rod Handling Pendant - WWDRTable 9. Hand-Held Rod Handling Pendant - WWDR - ContinuedFigure 10. Pressure Gauges - WWDR.Table 10. Pressure Gauges - WWDR - Continued.Figure 11. Lubricator Assembly - WWDR.Figure 12. Rear Control Panel - WWSV.Table 12. Rear Control Panel - WWSV - Continued.DESCRIPTION AND USE OF CONTROLS AND INDICATORS - MUD CLEANING SYSTEM (MCS)Table 1. Control Panel Features - ContinuedFigure 2. Hydraulic Control Manifold FeaturesFigure 3. Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) Control Panel FeaturesTable 3. Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) Control Panel Features Figure 4. Control LeversFigure 5. IndicatorsFigure 6. ControlsFigure 1. Control Panel FeaturesTable 1. Control Panel Features - ContinuedTable 1. Control Panel Features - ContinuedTable 1. Control Panel Features - ContinuedDESCRIPTION AND USE OF CONTROLS AND INDICATORS - GROUTERTable 1. Engine Controls and Indicators - ContinuedFigure 2. Hydraulic Controls and IndicatorsFigure 3. Grout Pump ControlsTable 3. Grout Pump Controls and Indicators - ContinuedDESCRIPTION AND USE OF CONTROLS AND INDICATORS - WELDER/GENERATORTable 1. Upper Control Panel - ContinuedFigure 2. Lower Control PanelTable 2. Lower Control Panel - ContinuedFigure 3. Fuel Shutoff LeverENGINE STARTING AND SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR) AND WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)WWDR/WWSV STARTING PROCEDURES - ContinuedFigure 2. Starting VehicleWWDR/WWSV SHUTDOWN PROCEDURESWWDR/WWSV SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES - ContinuedDRIVING PROCEDURES - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR) AND WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)Figure 1. Inclinometer Switch to ONPREPARATION FOR DRIVING - ContinuedFigure 3. Clutch OperationFigure 4. Shift Lever OperationDRIVING VEHICLE (UPSHIFTING)Figure 5. UpshiftingDRIVING VEHICLE (UPSHIFTING) - ContinuedDRIVING VEHICLE (DOWNSHIFTING) - ContinuedFigure 7. ReverseDRIVING VEHICLE (REVERSE) - ContinuedDRIVING VEHICLE (ALL WHEEL DRIVE)DRIVING VEHICLE (ALL WHEEL DRIVE) - ContinuedFigure 10. Inclinometer Switch to OFF.Figure 11. Electric Brake Controller.ELECTRIC BRAKE CONTROLLER OPERATION - ContinuedFUELING PROCEDURES - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR) AND WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)WWDR FUELING PROCEDURESFigure 1. WWDR Left Fuel Tank FuelingFigure 2. WWDR Right Fuel Tank FuelingFigure 3. Ignition Switch LocationFigure 4. Console Power SwitchFigure 5. WWDR Rig Mode/Road Mode SwitchWWSV FUELING PROCEDURESFigure 6. WWSV Left Fuel TankFigure 7. WWSV Right Fuel TankFigure 8. WWSV Fuel Level GaugeWWSV Auxiliary Fuel Tank Fueling ProceduresFigure 9. Filling Auxiliary Fuel Tank from Left-SideWHEEL CHOCKS INSTALLATION AND REMOVALFigure 2. Wheel Chocks Removal - WWDRFigure 3. Wheel Chocks Installation - WWSVFigure 4. Wheel Chocks Removal - WWSVFigure 5. Wheel Chocks Stowage Removal - MCSFigure 6. Wheel Chocks Installation - MCSFigure 7. Wheel Chocks Removal - MCSFigure 9. Wheel Chocks Stowage Removal - PACFigure 10. Wheel Chocks Installation - PAC.Figure 11. Wheel Chocks Removal - PAC.Figure 12. Wheel Chocks Stowage - PAC.PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER OPERATION - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR) AND WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER OPERATIONFigure 2. Portable Fire Extinguisher OperationFigure 3. Portable Fire Extinguisher InstallationSETUP PROCEDURES - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR)Figure 1. Setup Location (Typical)Figure 2. Cab SetupFigure 3. Left-Side Ladder Lower Pins RemovalFigure 4. Left-Side Ladder Upper Pins RemovalFigure 5. Left-Side Ladder Bracket RemovalFigure 6. Right-Side Ladder Lower Pins RemovalFigure 7. Right-Side Ladder Upper Pins RemovalFigure 8. Right-Side Ladder Brackets RemovalFigure 9. Left-Side Work PlatformFigure 10. Right-Side Work Platform.Figure 11. Console Cover Panel Removal.Figure 12. Drilling Console Power Switch.LOWERING JACKS (DOWNRIGGERS) - ContinuedFigure 13. Drilling Lock Pins.Figure 14. Derrick Setup.Figure 15. Sandline and Winch Cable Disconnect.Figure 16. Derrick Tophead.Figure 17. Drilling Table.Figure 18. Trailer Hitch Removal.TRAILER HITCH REMOVAL - ContinuedFigure 19. Trailer Hitch Bolt Installation.Figure 20. Engine Speed Throttle.Figure 21. Rubber Skirt Installation.Figure 22. Table Bushing Installation.Figure 23. Catwalk Pin Removal.Figure 24. Catwalk Setup.Figure 25. Left-Side Ladder Installation.Figure 26. Left-Side Rear Handrail Closeout.Figure 27. Right-Side Ladder Installation.Figure 28. Hose Installation.HOSE INSTALLATION TO STANDPIPE - ContinuedAUXILIARY WINCH (SANDLINE) OPERATION - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR)Figure 2. Sandline SANDLINE OPERATION - ContinuedMAIN 18K WINCH (JIB) OPERATION - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR)Figure 1. Tophead OperationFigure 2. Jib Pendant ConnectFigure 3. Jib Pendant ControlsFigure 4. Jib Pendant DisconnectFRONT BUMPER WINCH OPERATION - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR)WWDR FRONT BUMPER WINCH OPERATIONFigure 2. Front Bumper Mounted Winch JoystickFigure 3. Front Bumper Mounted Winch Clutch Handle (Shown Engaged)Figure 4. Front Bumper Mounted Winch Cable TakeupWWDR FRONT BUMPER WINCH OPERATION - ContinuedFigure 5. Front Bumper Mounted Winch Cab Controls LocationWATER INJECTION PUMP (25 GPM) OPERATION - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR)Figure 1. Suction Hose ConnectionFigure 2. Water/Foam Injection Suction Valve (Shown Open)Figure 3. Water Injection SwitchFigure 4. Water Injection Flow RegulatorFigure 5. Service Water HoseFigure 6. Water Injection Pump ConnectionFigure 7. Water/Foam Injection Suction Port and Service Water Discharge ValveFigure 9. Water Injection SwitchFigure 10. Foam Injection Regulator.Figure 11. Water/Foam Injection Suction Valve Handle (Shown Open).Figure 13. Suction Hose Removal.IQAN DISPLAY OPERATIONIQAN DISPLAY OPERATION - ContinuedIQAN DISPLAY OPERATION - ContinuedDRILL ROD STORAGE CARTRIDGE LOADING/UNLOADING WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR)Figure 1. Console Cover Panel RemovalFigure 2. Raising Rod Handling ArmFigure 3. Drill Pipe Casing Sling InstallationFigure 4. Loading Drill Rod CartridgesDRILL ROD STORAGE CARTRIDGE LOADING - ContinuedDRILL ROD STORAGE CARTRIDGE LOADING - ContinuedFigure 5. Lowering Rod Handling ArmFigure 6. Console Cover Panel InstallationFigure 7. Console Cover Panel RemovalFigure 8. Raising Rod Handling ArmFigure 9. Drill Pipe Casing Sling InstallationDRILL ROD STORAGE CARTRIDGE UNLOADING - ContinuedDRILL ROD STORAGE CARTRIDGE UNLOADING - ContinuedMANUAL OPERATION OF ROD HANDLING SYSTEM - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR)Figure 1. Tophead LubricationFigure 2. Automated Rod Handling Arm RaisedFigure 3. Tophead Mounted WrenchFigure 4. Tophead Mounted Wrench Foot SwitchFigure 5. Pipe Clamp Release EnableFigure 6. Drill Rod LubricationFigure 7. Drill Rod AttachmentFigure 8. Automated Rod Handling Arm RotatedPOSITIONING DRILL ROD STORAGE CARTRIDGESFigure 11. Elevation Switch Operation.Figure 12. Drill Rod Removal.Figure 13. Breakout Wrench Setting for Drill Rod Removal.Figure 14. Drill Rods Detached.Figure 15. Tophead Slide Switch.Figure 16. Tophead Mounted Wrench Foot Switch.Figure 17. Tophead Separation.Figure 18. Automated Rod Handling Arm in Forward Position.Figure 19. Automated Rod Handling Arm in Down Position.Figure 20. Automated Rod Handling Arm in Raised Position.Figure 21. Drill Rod Handling System WWDR Connector Plug Cap Removal.Figure 22. Drill Rod Handling System Pendant Installation.Figure 23. Pendant Pipe Clamp Switch.Figure 24. Automated Rod Handling Arm in Raised Position.Figure 25. Tophead Mounted Wrench.PENDANT OPERATION OF DRILL ROD HANDLING SYSTEM - ContinuedFigure 26. Pipe Clamp Release EnableFigure 27. Drill Rod Lubrication.Figure 28. Drill Rod Attachment.Figure 29. Automated Rod Handling Arm Reload.Figure 30. Outer Drill Rod Cartridge.Figure 31. Inner Drill Rod Cartridge.Figure 32. Storing Drill Rod With Pendant Operation.Figure 33. Drill Rod Removal.Figure 34. Breakout Wrench Setting for Drill Rod Removal.Figure 35. Drill Rods Detached.Figure 36. Tophead Operation.Figure 38. Tophead Mounted Wrench Operation.Figure 39. Tophead Separation Operation.Figure 41. Drill Rod Handling System Pendant Removal.Figure 42. Drill Rod Handling System WWDR Connector Plug Cap Installation.AUTOMATED ROD HANDLING SYSTEM (ARHS) OPERATION - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR)Figure 1. Tophead Lubrication.Figure 2. Automated Rod Handling Arm RaisedFigure 3. Tophead Mounted WrenchFigure 4. Tophead Mounted Wrench Foot SwitchFigure 5. Pipe Clamp Release EnableFigure 6. Drill Rod LubricationFigure 7. Drill Rod AttachmentFigure 8. Lifting BeamFigure 9. Drill Rod Handling SystemFigure 10. Elevation Switch Operation.Figure 11. Drill Rod Removal.Figure 12. Breakout Wrench Setting for Drill Rod Removal.Figure 13. Drill Rods Detached.Figure 14. Tophead Slide Switch.Figure 15. Tophead Mounted Wrench Foot Switch.Figure 16. Tophead Separation.Figure 17. Automated Drill Rod Storing.MANUAL SLING LOADING/UNLOADING OF DRILL RODS - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR)Figure 1. Tooling JointFigure 2. Fork Switch OperationFigure 3. Breakout WrenchFigure 4. Drill Rod SeparationFigure 6. Automated Drill Rod Handling Arm RaisedFigure 7. Jib OperationFigure 8. Hoist Plug and Jib Hook Figure 9. Hoist Plug InstallationFigure 10. Drill Rod Alignment.Figure 11. Drill Rod Connection.Figure 12. Fork Switch.Figure 13. Hoist Plug Removal.Figure 14. Jib Control Operation.Figure 15. Drill Rod Release.Figure 16. Drill Rods Attached.Figure 17. Jib Operation for Drill Rod Removal.Figure 18. Hoist Plug Installation.Figure 19. Drill Rod Tooling Joint Alignment for Drill Rod Removal.Figure 20. Jib Operation for Drill Rod String Removal.Figure 21. Breakout Wrench Setting for Drill Rod Removal.Figure 22. Drill Rod Removal.Figure 23. Hoist Plug Removal.INITIAL DRILL ROD INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR)Figure 1. Tophead LubricationFigure 2. Automated Rod Handling Arm RaisedFigure 3. Tophead Mounted WrenchFigure 4. Tophead Mounted Wrench Foot SwitchFigure 5. Pipe Clamp Release EnableFigure 6. Fast Feed Control LeverFigure 7. Tophead Slide SwitchFigure 8. Tophead Mounted Wrench Foot Switch.Figure 9. Tophead SeparationFigure 10. Automated Rod Handling Arm in Forward Position.Figure 11. Automated Rod Handling Arm in Down Position.DRILL BIT INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR)Figure 2. Drill BitFigure 4. Hoist Plug InstallationFigure 5. Jib OperationFigure 6. Hoist Plug to Jib Hook InstallationFigure 8. Sub Positioning.Figure 9. Fork ExtensionFigure 10. Jib Hook Removal from Hoist plug.Figure 12. Drill Rod to Sub Installation.Figure 13. Drill Rod Attached.Figure 14. Retracting Fork.Figure 15. Drill Bit from Sub Removal.Figure 16. Breakout Wrench.Figure 18. Drill Rod Positioning.Figure 19. Hoist Plug Installation.Figure 20. Jib Operation.Figure 21. Hoist Plug to Jib Hook Installation.Figure 22. Jib Hook from Hoist Plug Removal.Figure 23. Jib Operation.Figure 24. End Cap Installation.POST OPERATION PROCEDURES - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR)Figure 1. Hose RemovalFigure 2. Right-Side Ladder RemovalFigure 3. Left-Side Rear Handrail CloseoutFigure 4. Left-Side Ladder RemovalFigure 5. Catwalk Post OperationCATWALKS AND LADDERS POST OPERATION AND REMOVAL - ContinuedFigure 6. Catwalk Pin InstallationFigure 7. Table Bushing RemovalFigure 8. Rubber Skirt RemovalFigure 9. Trailer Hitch Bolt RemovalFigure 10. Trailer Hitch Installation.Figure 11. Drilling Table.TRAILER HITCH INSTALLATION - ContinuedLOWERING DERRICKFigure 13. Sandline and Winch Cable Connect.Figure 14. Derrick Post Operation.Figure 15. Drilling Console Power Switch.Figure 16. Console Cover Panel Installation.Figure 17. Right-Side Work Platform.Figure 18. Left-Side Work Platform.Figure 19. Right-Side Ladder Brackets Installation.Figure 20. Right-Side Ladder Upper Pins Installation.Figure 21. Right-Side Ladder Lower Pins Installation.Figure 22. Left-Side Ladder Bracket Installation.Figure 23. Left-Side Ladder Upper Pins Installation.Figure 24. Left-Side Ladder Lower Pins Installation.Figure 25. Cab Post Operation.ROD HANDLING ARM SUPPORT BRACKET (TRANSPORT MODE ONLY)Figure 1. Drill Rod Handling ArmFigure 2. Jib ControlsFigure 3. Support Bracket Brace RemovalFigure 4. Sling InstallationFigure 5. Rod Handling Arm Support Bracket RemovalFigure 6. Jib ControlsFigure 7. Pipe Positioning ArmFigure 8. Lifting BeamFigure 9. Nylon Strap InstallationROD HANDLING ARM SUPPORT BRACKET INSTALLATION - ContinuedFigure 10. Rod Handling Support Bracket Installation.Figure 11. Support Bracket Brace Installation.Figure 12. Nylon Sling Removal.Figure 13. Rod Handling Arm.TRUCK MOUNTED AIR COMPRESSOR/LUBRICATOR ASSEMBLY OPERATION WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR)Figure 1. Air Compressor Console Panel SettingTRUCK MOUNTED AIR COMPRESSOR/LUBRICATOR ASSEMBLY OPERATION DRILLING OPERATIONS - ContinuedFigure 2. DHD Lubricator SwitchFigure 3. Console Panel ControlsFigure 4. Cab SetupFigure 5. Console Cover Panel RemovalFigure 6. Console Power SwitchFigure 7. Air Pressure RegulatorFigure 8. TRUCK CLUTCH ControlFigure 9. Console Cover Panel InstallationFigure 10. Cab Post Operation.SETUP PROCEDURES - WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)Figure 1. WWSV Setup Location (Typical)Figure 2. Cab SetupFigure 3. Work Platform.Figure 4. Handrail SupportsREAR WORK PLATFORM AND CATWALK SETUP - ContinuedFigure 5. Handrail Support Removal.Figure 6. Hand Crank RemovalFigure 7. Hand Crank InstallationFigure 8. Handrail Hand Cranks InstallationFigure 9. Catwalk PinsFigure 10. Opening Catwalks.Figure 11. Catwalk Supports.Figure 12. Handrail Closeout.Figure 13. Handrail Hand Cranks Removal.Figure 14. Downrigger Controls.Figure 15. Ladder.FRONT BUMPER WINCH OPERATION - WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)WWSV BUMPER WINCH OPERATIONFigure 2. Bumper Winch ControlsWWSV BUMPER WINCH OPERATION - ContinuedFigure 3. Winch Controls.TRUCK MOUNTED CRANE OPERATION - WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)Figure 1. Forward Handrail and Hand Crank Removal.TRUCK MOUNTED CRANE OPERATING PROCEDURE - ContinuedFigure 2. Truck Mounted Crane Power Switch (On).Figure 3. Truck Mounted Crane Remote Control OperationFigure 5. Truck Mounted Crane OperationTRUCK MOUNTED CRANE OPERATING PROCEDURE - ContinuedFigure 6. Load Capacity ChartTRUCK MOUNTED CRANE POST OPERATION PROCEDUREFigure 7. Truck Mounted Crane Radio Remote Control Post OperationFigure 8. Truck Mounted Crane Post OperationFigure 9. Truck Mounted Crane Power Switch (Off)Figure 10. Radio Remote Control Battery Holder.Figure 11. Forward Handrail and Hand Crank Installation.Figure 12. Radio Remote Control Battery Replacement.Figure 14. Radio Receiver.Figure 16. Radio Remote Control Backup Cord Installation (View 1).Figure 18. Radio Remote Control Backup Cord Removal (View 1).Figure 20. Radio Remote Control Backup Cord Adapter Removal.PORTABLE WATER TRANSFER PUMP OPERATIONFigure 1. Strainer InstallationFigure 2. Water Suction Hose InstallationFigure 3. Water Discharge Hose InstallationFigure 4. Engine Oil DipstickFigure 5. Fuel TankFigure 6. Engine Starting (Engine Speed Adjustment Lever Shown in Off Position)PORTABLE WATER TRANSFER PUMP STARTING PROCEDURES - ContinuedFigure 7. Engine ShutdownFigure 8. Water Suction and Water Discharge Hose RemovalFigure 9. Strainer RemovalWATER PUMP OPERATION - WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)Figure 1. Engaging P.T.O.Figure 2. Suction Strainer InstallationFigure 3. Load Water - Water Pump Connections (Shutoff Valve Shown Closed)Figure 4. Water Tank GaugeFigure 5. Engaging P.T.O.Figure 6. Off Load Water - Water Pump Connections (Shutoff Valve Shown Closed).Figure 7. Water Pump Disconnect (Shutoff Valve Shown Closed)Figure 8. Suction Strainer RemovalFigure 9. Water Pump DrainFigure 10. Disengaging P.T.O.GROUNDING PROCEDURES - WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)GROUNDING ROD/CLAMP REMOVALFUELING PROCEDURES - GROUTERFigure 1. Fuel Cap RemovalSETUP PROCEDURES - GROUTERFigure 2. Mount Pin RemovalFigure 3. Grouter LiftingFigure 4. Lifting Strap RemovalFigure 5. Grouter PlatformFigure 6. Suction Hose ConnectionFigure 7. Water Supply Hose ConnectionOPERATING PROCEDURES - GROUTERFigure 2. Primer Hose.Figure 3. Throttle Control SwitchAUTOMATIC GROUTER OPERATION - ContinuedFigure 5. Manual Pump OperationFigure 6. ShutdownCLEANING PROCEDURES - GROUTERFigure 2. Cleaning Valves OpenFigure 3. Grout Mixing TankFigure 4. Grout PumpsFigure 5. Cleaning Valves ClosedFigure 6. Cleaning Valves ClosedFigure 7. Manual Pump Operation.Figure 8. Grout Mixing Tank CleaningFigure 9. Cleaning Valves ClosedPOST OPERATION PROCEDURES - GROUTERFigure 2. Grouter Platform in Raised Position.Figure 3. Lifting Strap InstallationFigure 5. Mount Pin InstallationFigure 6. Lifting Strap RemovalFUELING PROCEDURES - WELDER/GENERATORFigure 1. Welder/Generator FuelingSETUP PROCEDURES - WELDER/GENERATORFigure 1. WORK and ELECTRODE Terminal Access (View 1)Figure 2. WORK and ELECTRODE Cable InstallationFigure 3. WORK and ELECTRODE Terminal Access (View 2)STARTING, OPERATION, AND SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES - WELDER/GENERATORFigure 1. Idle Lock Switch.Figure 2. Upper Control Panel FeaturesWELDER OPERATION PROCEDURE - ContinuedFigure 3. Auxiliary Power Unit Control SwitchesFigure 4. Lower Control PanelFigure 5. Auxiliary Lower Control Panel DoorsFigure 6. Engine Control SwitchPOST OPERATION PROCEDURES - WELDER/GENERATORFigure 1. WORK and ELECTRODE Cable RemovalAUXILIARY FUEL TRANSFER PUMP OPERATION - WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)AUXILIARY FUEL TRANSFER PUMP (PNEUMATIC) OPERATION - ContinuedFigure 2. Auxiliary Fuel Transfer Pump Shutoff ValvesFigure 3. Auxiliary Fuel Transfer Pump Operation.Figure 4. Auxiliary Fuel Transfer Pump Shutoff ValvesFigure 5. Fuel Hose SetupFigure 6. Auxiliary Fuel Transfer Pump (12 VDC) Operation (On)Figure 7. Fuel Transfer SwitchFigure 8. Auxiliary Fuel Transfer Pump (12 VDC) Operation (Off)Figure 9. Fuel Hose StowagePOST OPERATION PROCEDURES - WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)POST DOWNRIGGER PROCEDURESFigure 2. Downrigger ControlsFigure 3. Handrail CloseoutFigure 4. Hand Crank StrapsFigure 5. Catwalk PinsFigure 6. Catwalk SupportsFigure 7. Hand Crank RemovalFigure 8. Hand Crank InstallationFigure 9. Handrail SupportFigure 10. Catwalks.Figure 11. Work Platform.Figure 12. Cab Controls.SETUP PROCEDURES - MUD CLEANING SYSTEM (MCS)Figure 2. Leveling Jack SetupFigure 3. Steps SetupFigure 4. Catwalk SetupFigure 5. Handrail Setup (View 1)Figure 6. Handrail Setup (View 2)Figure 7. Drill Through Conductor SetupFigure 8. Sand Guzzler Hose ConnectionsSAND GUZZLER SETUP - ContinuedFigure 9. Hose ConnectionsFigure 10. Mud Pump Connection (View 1).Figure 11. Mud Pump Connection (View 2).Figure 12. Shaker Turnbuckles (Left-Side Shown).ENGINE STARTING AND SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES - MUD CLEANING SYSTEM (MCS)MCS ENGINE STARTING PROCEDURE - ContinuedFUELING PROCEDURES - MUD CLEANING SYSTEM (MCS)Figure 1. MCS FuelingTOWING PROCEDURES - MUD CLEANING SYSTEM (MCS)Figure 1. Drop-Leg Jack UseFigure 2. Drop-Leg Jack AdjustmentFigure 3. Pintle Hook OpenFigure 4. Tow Vehicle HookupFigure 5. Drop-Leg Jack Crank HandleFigure 6. Pintle Hook ClosedFigure 7. Drop-Leg Jack Stowage.Figure 8. Safety Chains and Breakaway Cable InstallationFigure 9. Safety Chains and Breakaway Cable RemovalFigure 10. Drop-Leg Jack Extension.Figure 11. Pintle Hook Closed.Figure 12. Drop-Leg Jack Crank Handle.Figure 13. Tow Vehicle Disconnect.Figure 15. Pintle Hook Safety Pin Installation.OPERATING PROCEDURES - MUD CLEANING SYSTEM (MCS)Figure 1. Left-Side Controls (Starting)Figure 2. Engine Speed SwitchFigure 3. Right-Side ControlsFigure 4. Left-Side Controls (Speed Settings)Figure 5. Left-Side Controls (Off)AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU) OPERATION - MUD CLEANING SYSTEM (MCS)Figure 1. Grounding Rod/Clamp InstallationFigure 2. MCS Hydraulic Control (On)Figure 3. MCS Engine Speed Switch IncreaseFigure 4. AC Generator Control Panel (Power On)Figure 5. AC Generator Control Panel (Power Off).Figure 6. MCS Hydraulic Control (Off)Figure 7. MCS Engine Speed Switch DecreaseFigure 8. Grounding Rod/Clamp RemovalPOST OPERATION PROCEDURES - MUD CLEANING SYSTEM (MCS)Figure 2. Mud Pump Hose Disconnect (View 1).Figure 3. Mud Pump Hose Disconnect (View 2)Figure 4. Hose DisconnectFigure 5. Sand Guzzler Hose DisconnectFigure 6. Drill Through Conductor DisconnectFigure 7. Shaker Turnbuckles (Left-Side Shown).Figure 8. Handrail Stowage (View 1)Figure 9. Handrail Stowage (View 2)Figure 10. Catwalk Stowage.Figure 11. Steps Stowage.Figure 12. Leveling Jacks Stowage.LEVELING JACKS STOWAGE - ContinuedFUELING PROCEDURES - PORTABLE AIR COMPRESSOR (PAC)Figure 1. Fuel CapFigure 2. Fuel Level GaugeTOWING PROCEDURES - PORTABLE AIR COMPRESSOR (PAC)Figure 1. Tow Vehicle AlignmentFigure 3. Drop-Leg Jack AlignmentFigure 5. Drop-Leg Jack StowageFigure 6. Safety Pin InstallationFigure 7. Safety Chains and Breakaway Cable InstallationFigure 8. PAC Brake Cable RemovalFigure 10. Safety Pin Removal.Figure 12. Crank Handle to Bracket Installation.SETUP PROCEDURES - PORTABLE AIR COMPRESSOR (PAC)Figure 2. WWDR Air StandpipeFigure 3. Hose Installation to Air StandpipeFigure 4. Hose Installation to Service ValveENGINE STARTING, OPERATION, AND SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES - PORTABLE AIR COMPRESSOR (PAC)Figure 1. Manual Blowdown Valve (Shown Open)Figure 2. Air Service Valve (Shown Closed)Figure 3. Battery Disconnect Switch (Shown Off)Figure 4. Main Power Control SwitchFigure 5. Pressure Control SwitchFigure 6. Air Service Valve (Shown Open)Figure 7. Air Service Valve (Shown Open)Figure 8. Main Power Control SwitchFigure 9. Air Service Valve (Shown Open)Figure 10. Discharge Air Pressure Gauge.Figure 11. Manual Blowdown Valve (Shown Open).Figure 12. Battery Disconnect Switch (Shown Off).POST OPERATION PROCEDURES - PORTABLE AIR COMPRESSOR (PAC)Figure 2. Hose Removal from Service ValveFigure 3. Hose Removal from Air StandpipeFigure 4. WWDR Air Standpipe.PORTABLE WATER TANK SETUP AND POST OPERATION PROCEDURESFigure 2. Portable Water Tank DrainFigure 3. Portable Water Tank Post OperationWATER TANK FILLING PROCEDURE - WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)Figure 1. Water Drain Valves (Left-Side and Rear Shown)Figure 2. Water Tank Fill Cap and Stand PipeFigure 3. Water Tank Vent Valve (Shown in Closed Position) and Water Tank GaugeFigure 4. Water Tank Fill Cap InstallationFigure 5. Water Tank Vent Valve (Shown in Closed Position)COLD WEATHER STARTING PROCEDURESFigure 1. Idle Lock SwitchCOLD WEATHER STARTING PROCEDURES - WELDER/GENERATOR - ContinuedFigure 2. Water Heater SwitchCOLD WEATHER STARTING PROCEDURES - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR) AND WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV) - ContinuedSLAVE RECEPTACLE STARTING PROCEDURES - PORTABLE AIR COMPRESSOR (PAC)Figure 2. Assist Vehicle Slave Receptacle Cover RemovalFigure 4. PAC Slave Receptacle Cover RemovalFigure 6. PAC Control Panel.Figure 8. Receptacle Cover Installation on PACFigure 10. Receptacle Cover Installation on Assist Vehicle.FORDING OPERATIONS - WATER WELL DRILLING SYSTEM (WWDS)Figure 1. Control Panel Switches LocationFORDING OPERATIONS - ContinuedSLAVE RECEPTACLE STARTING PROCEDURES - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR) AND WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)Figure 1. Assist VehicleFigure 2. Assist Vehicle Slave Receptacle Cover RemovalFigure 4. Target Vehicle Slave Receptacle Cover RemovalFigure 5. NATO Slave Cable Connect to Target VehicleFigure 6. Starting Target VehicleFigure 7. Starting VehicleFigure 8. NATO Slave Cable Disconnect from Target Vehicle.Figure 9. Receptacle Cover Installation on Target VehicleFigure 11. Receptacle Cover Installation on Assist Vehicle.AUXILIARY MUD PUMP OPERATION - MUD CLEANING SYSTEM (MCS)Figure 1. Mud Pump Auxiliary HosesFigure 2. Mud Pump Auxiliary Hose ConnectionsFigure 3. Drilling Rig Auxiliary ConnectionsFigure 4. Mud Pump Auxiliary Hose ConnectionsFigure 5. Mud Cleaning System Hydraulic ValvesFigure 6. Remote Mud Pump Switch OnFigure 7. Mud Pump Flow Regulator OperationFigure 8. Mud Pump Flow Regulator Post OperationFigure 9. Remote Mud Pump Switch Post OperationFigure 10. Mud Cleaning System Hydraulic Valves Post Operation.Figure 11. Mud Pump Auxiliary Hose Connections Post Operation.Figure 12. Drilling Rig Auxiliary Connections Post Operation.Figure 13. Mud Pump Auxiliary Hoses Post Operation.Figure 14. Mud Pump Auxiliary Hoses.TOW BAR INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR) AND WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)Figure 2. Tow Bar InstallationFigure 3. Left-Side Tow Bar Link and Bushing InstallationFigure 4. Left-Side Tow Bar Link InstallationFigure 5. Right-Side Tow Bar Link InstallationFigure 6. Right-Side Outer Tow Bar Link InstallationFigure 7. Inside Tow Bar Link InstallationFigure 8. Tow Bar RemovalFigure 9. InsideTow Bar Link RemovalFigure 10. Right-Side Outer Tow Bar Link Removal.Figure 11. Right-Side Tow Bar Link Removal.Figure 12. Left-Side Tow Bar Link Removal.Figure 13. Left-Side Tow Bar Link and Bushing Removal.Figure 14. Tow Bar Removal.Figure 15. Tow Bar Link, Bolt, Washer, Lockwasher, and Bushing.CAB PROTECTION KIT INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR) AND WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSV)Figure 1. Ladder Setup.Figure 2. Ladder Pin InstallationFigure 4. Cab Protection Kit Front Panel InstallationFigure 5. Cab Protection Kit Left-Side Panel InstallationFigure 6. Cab Protection Kit Right-Side Panel InstallationFigure 7. Ladder Pin RemovalFigure 8. Ladder StowageFigure 9. Ladder SetupFigure 10. Cab Protection Kit Right-Side Panel Removal.Figure 11. Cab Protection Kit Left-Side Panel Removal.Figure 12. Cab Protection Kit Front Panel Removal.Figure 13. Lockpin Installation.Figure 15. Ladder Stowage.EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES - MUD CLEANING SYSTEM (MCS)EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN OF THE MUD CLEANING SYSTEM - ContinuedOPERATOR MAINTENANCE EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES - MUD CLEANING SYSTEM (MCS) AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APUEMERGENCY SHUTDOWN OF MCS APU - ContinuedOPERATOR MAINTENANCE SIDE WINDOW EMERGENCY EXIT - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR) AND WATER WELL SUPPORT VEHICLE (WWSVSIDE WINDOW EMERGENCY EXIT WWDR and WWSV - Continued.OPERATOR MAINTENANCE EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES - GROUTEROPERATOR MAINTENANCE EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES - WELDER/GENERATORFigure 2. Access Cover and Fuel ShutoffOPERATOR MAINTENANCE EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES - PORTABLE AIR COMPRESSOR (PAC) INITIAL SETUP:OPERATOR MAINTENANCE EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR)Figure 1. WWDR Drilling ConsoleFigure 1. Left-Side Hammer StowageFigure 2. Front Stencil and Decal Locations (View 1)Figure 3. Front Stencil and Decal Locations (View 2)Figure 4. Right-Side Stencil and Decal LocationsFigure 5. Rear Stencil and Decal LocationSTOWAGE AND DECAL LOCATIONS - WATER WELL DRILLING RIG (WWDR)Figure 2. Right-Side Lower Stowage Locations (Typical)Figure 4. Left-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 1)Figure 5. Left-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 2)Figure 6. Left-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 3)Figure 7. Left-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 4)Figure 8. Right-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 1)Figure 9. Right-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 2)Figure 10. Front Stencil and Decal Location.REAR STENCIL AND DECAL LOCATIONFigure 11. Rear Stencil and Decal Locations.REAR STENCIL AND DECAL LOCATION - ContinuedSTOWAGE AND DECAL LOCATIONS - MUD CLEANING SYSTEM (MCS)Figure 2. Left-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 1)Figure 3. Left-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 2)Figure 4. Right-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 1)Figure 5. Right-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 2)Figure 6. Right-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 3)Figure 7. Front Stencil and Decal LocationFigure 8. Rear Stencil and Decal LocationFigure 1. PAC Wheel Chock StowageFigure 2. Front Exterior Stencil and Decal LocationsFigure 3. Front Interior Stencil and Decal LocationsFigure 4. Left-Side Exterior Stencil and Decal Locations (View 1)Figure 5. Left-Side Exterior Stencil and Decal Locations (View 2)Figure 6. Left-Side Interior Stencil and Decal LocationsFigure 7. Rear Exterior Stencil and Decal LocationsFigure 8. Rear Interior Stencil and Decal LocationsFigure 9. Right-Side Exterior Stencil and Decal Locations (View 1)Figure 10. Right-Side Exterior Stencil and Decal Locations (View 2).Figure 11. Right-Side Interior Stencil and Decal Locations.Figure 1. Left-Side Rear Stowage Locations (Typical)Figure 2. Left-Side Forward Stowage Locations (Typical)Figure 3. Right-Side Lower Stowage Locations (Typical)Figure 4. Right-Side Center Stowage Locations (Typical)Figure 5. Left-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 1)Figure 6. Left-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 2)Figure 7. Left-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 3)Figure 8. Left-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 4)Figure 9. Left-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 5).Figure 10. Left-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 6).Figure 11. Left-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 7).Figure 12. Right-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 1).Figure 13. Right-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 2).Figure 14. Right-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 3).Figure 15. Right-Side Stencil and Decal Locations (View 4).Figure 16. Front Stencil and Decal Locations.Figure 17. Rear Stencil and Decal Locations.DECAL LOCATIONS - WELDER/GENERATORFigure 2. Engine Compartment and Door Decal LocationsFigure 3. Left-Side and Engine Compartment Stencil and Decal LocationsFigure 4. Right-Side Engine Compartment Decal LocationsFigure 5. Right-Side Stencil and Rear Decal LocationsFigure 6. Control Panel Decal Locations
