TM 5-3820-276-10-1
SCOPE - Continued
For most geotechnical, mineral, and/or groundwater drilling projects, personal protective equipment (PPE) must
include a safety hat, safety shoes, safety glasses, and close-fitting gloves and clothing. The clothing of the
individual drilling rig team member is not generally considered protective equipment; however, the clothing should
be comfortable but must be close-fitting, without loose ends, straps, draw strings, belts or otherwise unfastened
parts that might catch on some rotating or moving components of the drilling rig. Rings and jewelry must not be
worn during a work shift.
For some drilling operations, the environment or regulations may dictate that other protective equipment be used.
The requirement for such equipment must be determined jointly by the management of the drilling organization
and the safety supervisor. Such equipment might include face shield, respirator, reflective clothing, and hearing
protection. When appropriate, each drilling rig worker must wear noise-reducing hearing protection that meets the
requirements of DA PAM 40-501 (Volume 2, WP 0230).
Vehicle maintenance forms, records, and reports. Department of Army (DA) forms and procedures used for
equipment maintenance are those prescribed by The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS)
pamphlet, DA PAM 750-8 (Volume 2, WP 0230).
If your Water Well Drilling System needs improvement, let us know. Send us an EIR. You, the user, are the only
one who can tell us what you do not like about your equipment. Let us know why you do not like the design or
performance. All non-Aviation/Missile EIRs and PQDRs must be submitted through the Product Data Reporting
and Evaluation Program (PDREP) Web site. The PDREP site is: If you do not
have Internet access, you may submit your information using an SF 368, (Product Quality Deficiency Report)
(Volume 2, WP 0230). You can send your SF 368 using e-mail, regular mail, or fax using the addresses/fax
numbers specified in DA PAM 750-8, The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Users Manual. We
will send you a reply.
Corrosion prevention and control of Army materiel is a continuing concern. It is important that any corrosion
problems with this item be reported so that the problem can be corrected and improvements can be made to
prevent the problem in future items. The term "corrosion" means the deterioration of a material or its properties
due to a reaction of that material with its chemical environment. An example is the rusting of iron. Corrosion
damage in metals can be seen, depending on the metal, as tarnishing, pitting, fogging, surface residue, and/or
cracking. Plastics, composites, and rubbers can also degrade (also considered to be corrosion based on the
above definition of corrosion). Degradation is caused by thermal (heat), oxidation (oxygen), solvation (solvents),
or photolytic (light, typically ultraviolet) processes. The most common exposures are excessive heat or light.
Damage from these processes will appear as cracking, softening, swelling, and/or breaking. The US Army has
defined the following nine (9) forms of corrosion used to evaluate the deterioration of metals. These shall be used
UNIFORM (or general attack): Affects a large area of exposed metal surface, like rust on steel or tarnish on silver.
It gradually reduces the thickness of the metal until it fails.
CREVICE: Occurs in crevices created by rubber seals, gaskets, bolt heads, lap joints, dirt or other surface
deposits. It will develop anywhere moisture or other corrosive agents are trapped and unable to drain or
SELECTIVE LEACHING: One element, usually the anodic element of an alloy, corrodes away, leaving the
cathodic element. This can create holes in metal.