Chapter 1. INTRODUCTIONSection II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATALOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF EXTERNAL COMPONENTSIDENTIFICATIONSection III. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONChapter 2. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSSection II. OPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - ContinuedTable 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - ContinuedTable 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - ContinuedINITIAL ADJUSTMENTSSTARTINGOPERATIONMOVEMENT TO A NEW WORKSITESection IV. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSOPERATION IN EXTREME HEATOPERATION UNDER RAINY OR HUMID CONDITIONSSection I. LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSTable 3-1. Operator/Crew TroubleshootingTable 3-1. Operator/Crew Troubleshooting - ContinuedSection Ill. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESTable 3-2. Operational Checks - ContinuedSERVICING FUEL SYSTEMSERVICING FUEL SYSTEM - ContinuedSection I. REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS, TMDE, AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENTSection II. SERVICE UPON RECEIPTFigure 4-1. Lubrication Order (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 4-1. Lubrication Order (Sheet 2 of 2)Table 4-1. Operational ChecksTable 4-1. Operational Checks - ContinuedSection IV. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESTable 4-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesTable 4-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - ContinuedTable 4-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - ContinuedTable 4-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - ContinuedTable 4-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - ContinuedTable 4-2. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - ContinuedSection V. TROUBLESHOOTINGTable 4-3. Organizational Maintenance TroubleshootingTable 4-3. Organizational Maintenance Troubleshooting - ContinuedTable 4-3. Organizational Maintenance Troubleshooting - ContinuedTable 4-3. Organizational Maintenance Troubleshooting - ContinuedTable 4-3. Organizational Maintenance Troubleshooting - ContinuedTable 4-3. Organizational Maintenance Troubleshooting - ContinuedTable 4-3. Organizational Maintenance Troubleshooting - ContinuedTable 4-3. Organizational Maintenance Troubleshooting - ContinuedTable 4-3. Organizational Maintenance Troubleshooting - ContinuedPUMP ASSEMBLY INSPECTIONENGINEENGINE - REMOVALENGINE - REMOVAL - ContinuedDISASSEMBLYINSTALLATIONFUEL FILTERFUEL FILTER - ContinuedFUEL FILTER - ContinuedFUEL TANKFUEL TANK - ContinuedFUEL TANK - ContinuedFUEL TANK - ContinuedFUEL TANK - ContinuedFUEL TANK - ContinuedFUEL LINEFUEL LINE - ContinuedFRAME ASSEMBLYFRAME ASSEMBLY - ContinuedFRAME ASSEMBLY - ContinuedFRAME ASSEMBLY - ContinuedFRAME ASSEMBLY - ContinuedFRAME ASSEMBLY - ContinuedWHEEL ASSEMBLYWHEEL ASSEMBLY - ContinuedWHEEL ASSEMBLY - ContinuedWHEEL ASSEMBLY - ContinuedDATA PLATESDATA PLATES - ContinuedACCUMULATORACCUMULATOR - ContinuedACCUMULATOR - ContinuedACCUMULATOR - ContinuedDISCHARGE PORTDISCHARGE PORT - ContinuedDISCHARGE PORT - ContinuedDIAPHRAGMDIAPHRAGM - ContinuedDIAPHRAGM - ContinuedDIAPHRAGM - ContinuedDIAPHRAGM - ContinuedCLAMP ASSEMBLYCLAMP ASSEMBLY - ContinuedCLAMP ASSEMBLY - ContinuedPUMP BOWLPUMP BOWL - ContinuedPUMP BOWL - ContinuedPUMP BOWL - ContinuedPUMP BOWL - ContinuedCONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLYCONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLY - ContinuedCONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLY - ContinuedCONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLY - ContinuedCONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLY - ContinuedCOUPLINGCOUPLING - ContinuedCOUPLING - ContinuedGEAR REDUCERGEAR REDUCER - ContinuedGEAR REDUCER - ContinuedSection VII. PREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENTChapter 5. DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection II. TROUBLESHOOTINGSection III. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESFRAME ASSEMBLYFRAME ASSEMBLY - ContinuedPUMPPUMP - ContinuedACCUMULATOR AND DISCHARGE PORTACCUMULATOR AND DISCHARGE PORT - ContinuedCRANK AND CONNECTING RODCRANK AND CONNECTING ROD - ContinuedCRANK AND CONNECTING ROD - ContinuedCRANK AND CONNECTING ROD - ContinuedGEAR REDUCERGEAR REDUCER - ContinuedGEAR REDUCER - ContinuedGEAR REDUCER - ContinuedGEAR REDUCER - ContinuedGEAR REDUCER - ContinuedGEAR REDUCER - ContinuedGEAR REDUCER - ContinuedGEAR REDUCER - ContinuedREFERENCESMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTUSE OF THE MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART, SECTION IIEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE MAC, SECTION IIEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE MAC, SECTION IIISection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART-ContinuedAPPENDIX C. ORGANIZATIONAL AND DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTEXPLANATION OF COLUMNSMaintenance CodeHOW TO LOCATE REPAIR PARTSABBREVIATIONSFigure 1. Engine Assembly.Figure 1. Engine Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 2. Tank, Line, Fittings, and Filter.Figure 2. Tank, Line, Fittings, and Filter. - ContinuedFigure 3. Frame Assembly and Wheels.Figure 3. Frame Assembly and Wheels. - ContinuedFigure 4. Data Plates.Figure 4. Data Plates. - ContinuedFigure 5. Suction Hose.Figure 5. Suction Hose. - ContinuedFigure 6. Accumulator, Check Valve Assemblies, and Discharge Port.Figure 6. Accumulator, Check Valve Assemblies, and Discharge Port. - ContinuedFigure 7. DiaphragmFigure 7. Diaphragm - ContinuedFigure 8. Connecting Rod Assembly.Figure 8. Connecting Rod Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 9. Gear ReducerFigure 9. Gear Reducer - ContinuedFigure 9. Gear Reducer - ContinuedSECTION IV. NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEXNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEXAppendix D. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSection II. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST