TM 5-4320-218-15
(2) Position the governor housing (1) and
gasket against the gear cover (5) be-
ing careful to engage the governor
drive gear with the camshaft gear; se-
cure with the four cap screws (2) and
(3) Install governor control rod (6), lever
(7), and spring (8), Secure with nut
(4) Install the filter oil line (10) and the
a. General. The carburetor is a float type
carburetor with an idle fuel adjustment. The
carburetor is designed with two major units - a
die cast aluminum throttle body and a stamped
steel fuel bowl, Figure 15 shows the carbure-
tor installed.
b. Idle adjustment.
(1) Remove the cotter pin (10) securing
the governor control rod (11 ) to the
governor lever; pull the control rod
loose from the governor lever.
run until it reaches its operating tem-
perature; push the choke control in.
(3) Move the governor control rod until
the engine runs at idle speed. Turn
the idle adjusting screw (7) out un-
til the engine falters; slowly turn in
the screw until the engine runs
smoothly; stop the engine, The idle
adjusting screw should be in proper
adjustment at about 3/4 to a full
turn open.
(4) Connect the governor control rod to
the governor lever; secure the rod
with the cotter pin.
(4) Disconnect the fuel line (6) from the
carburetor and seal it.
(1) Loosen the choke lever swivel screw
(5) Remove the two cap screws (3) and
(8), and pull out the choke control
wire (9),
retor and gasket (5) to the engine in-
(2) Disconnect the governor control rod
take manifold (1) ; remove the carbu-
(11) from the governor lever, and un-
retor and gasket.
screw it from the throttle shaft assem-
d. Installation.
bly and stop lever (2),
(3) Remove the air cleaner hose from the
(1) Place a new gasket (5) between the
carburetor and the intake manifold