TM 5-4320-218-15
engine revolutions, four sparks are used for ig-
nition. The magneto has a standard mounting
flange with a special coupling and drive gear
arrangement which requires an extended rotor
(1) Disconnect the spark plug cables (1),
ignition switch wire, and ground strap
(2) from the magneto (9),
(2) Remove the two nuts (5), lockwasher
(7), plain washer, and capscrew (8)
securing the magneto to the engine;
remove the magneto and its gasket
c. Cleaning and inspection.
(1) Clean the exterior of the magneto with
an approved cleaning solvent; dry
(2) Inspect for loose screws and damaged
parts. Tighten loose screws; replace a
damaged magneto.
(3) Inspect the flange gasket for tears or
Replace a defective
d. Timing and installation.
(1) Remove the spark plug from No. 1
cylinder (see timing diagram (fig.
19); slowly crank the engine until air
begins to blow out of the plug hole,
indicating that the piston is on the
compression stroke.
(2) Continue cranking the engine until
in line with the mark on the flywheel