TM 5-4320-218-15
c. Installation.
(2) Take up on the locknut at the end of
(1) Place the two pieces of felt (9) in
the adjusting rod (9, fig. 14) until the
position and lower the fuel tank (8)
spring (8) is horizontal to the engine.
in the same position it was in before
(3) Remove the nut (4) and lockwasher
from the ball joint on the governor
(2) Place the other two pieces of felt (13)
control rod (6). Push the rod toward
around the fuel tank and place the
the carburetor to open the throttle
two straps (4) in position.
valve. Adjust the positions of the ball
(3) Secure each strap in place with the at-
joints on the control rod until the stud
taching parts.
of the ball joint is aligned with the
(4) Install the strainer and the fuel tank
top hole in the governor lever (7).
Install the nut (4) and lockwasher
cap with its gasket and install the fuel
to secure the ball joint to the governor
(5) Close drain cock (12) in bottom of
c. Removal.
(6) Tighten each fitting and fill the fuel
the governor control rod (6) out of
tank and check for leaks.
the governor lever (7).
(2) Disconnect the governor spring (8)
from the governor lever.
a. General. The engine governor is of the
(3) Disconnect the oil line (10) from the
centrifugal fly-weight type, is driven by the
pipe nipple on the governor. Discon-
camshaft gear, and functions to maintain a con-
stant engine speed under varying load condi-
tions. The governed engine speed can be ad-
(4) Remove the four cap screws (2) and
justed by fitting the governor spring to one of
the 12 holes in the governor lever.
ernor housing (1) to the gear cover
b. Adjustment.
(5); remove the governor and its
(1) Determine the desired engine speed,
(5) Unscrew the pipe nipple (13) from
spring hole in the governor lever; in-
the governor housing.
sert the spring into the proper hole.
d. Cleaning and inspection.
(1) Clean the governor housing and re-
move fittings with an approved clean-
ing solvent; dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect the governor drive gear for
broken or chipped teeth; replace the
governor if necessary.
(3 Inspect the governor control rod and
adjusting rod for good condition. Re-
place them if they are bent or other-
wise unserviceable.
(4) Inspect the governor housing for
cracks or breaks; replace a damaged
governor, or report the condition to
the proper authority.
(5) Inspect the removed fitting for good
threads. Replace any damaged fitting.
e. Installation (fig. 14).
(1) Install the pipe nipple (13) into the
governor housing.