TM 5-4320-218-15
(3) Loosen the other compression nut (6)
and remove the fuel line from the
connection at the fuel strainer.
(4) Loosen the connector nuts at the ends
of the remaining fuel line and remove
the fuel lines; remove both fittings.
b. Cleaning and inspection.
(1) Wash all the fuel lines and fittings in
an approved cleaning solvent, and dry
(2) Blow each fuel line out with clean,
dry compressed air,
(3) Inspect the threads and the condition
of each fitting; replace damaged or
worn fittings.
(4) I n s p e c t the fuel lines for cracks,
bends, or breaks; replace any fuel line
that is damaged.
c. Installation.
(1) Install the fittings in place on the fuel
tank, fuel pump, and carburetor.
(2) Position the fuel lines, one at a time,
and tighten the fittings, reversing the
procedure in a above.
(3) After all the lines have been installed,
check them carefully for leaks at the
fittings; tighten leaking connections.
(1) T a k e off the cap (1), remove the
gasket (2), and lift out the strainer
(2) Remove the fuel lines as instructed
(3) Remove the four hex nuts (10), lock-
washers (11), and cap screws (3) that
secure the straps (4) in place; remove
the straps and felt.
(4) Lift the fuel tank (8) from the pump.
b. Cleaning and inspection,
(1) Wash the interior and exterior of the
fuel tank; dry thoroughly.
(2) Clean the metal straps and the attach-
leaks; repair or replace a damaged
ing parts.
fuel tank.
(3) Examine the felt for worn spots and
( 5 ) Replace any missing or damaged
tears; replace the felt if it is exces-
mounting components.
sively worn.
(4) Inspect the fuel tank for cracks, dents,
o r weak spots which might cause