TM 5-4320-21815
c. Disassembly.
(1), hose (4), and elbow (2), Under
(1) Loosen the three machine screws (7),
dusty conditions the air cleaner must
be serviced more frequently.
move the mounting strap (13) from
the air-cleaner body (6).
a. Description. The fuel strainer is located
(2) Loosen the screw on the oil cup clamp
on the right side of the engine, above the crank-
(15) enough so that the oil cup (14)
case fill and breather. Fuel from the fuel tank
can be twisted to the left until it can
is delivered to the fuel strainer, then passes
be removed from the body.
through the sediment bowl and up through the
(3) Remove the cap (5) from the body.
filter element, which removes dirt and water
d. Cleaning and inspection.
from the fuel.
(1) Wash the air-cleaner body (6), oil cup
b. Removal and disassembly (fig. 11).
(14), and mounting strap (13) in an
(1) Remove the fuel strainer sediment
approved cleaning solvent. If neces-
bowl (6), spring (5), filter element
sary, allow the air-cleaner body (6) to
(4), and the gasket (3) from the body
soak severa! hours.
(1) by loosening the clamp assembly
(2) Inspect all parts for dents or other
thumbnut and removing the clamp as-
damage; replace any damaged parts.
sembly (7).
Examine the air-cleaner body (6)
(2) Disconnect the fuel line from the fit-
closely for evidence of dirt and foreign
ting on the fuel strainer; remove the
(3) Inspect the air tube (3) for cracks or
(3) Unscrew the strainer body (1) from
breaks; replace the air tube if it is
the connection to the fuel pump.
worn or damaged. Be sure that the
c. Cleaning and inspection.
hose clamps (1) and the oil cup clamp
(1) Wash the removed parts with an ap-
(15) are not bent or damaged. Replace
proved cleaning solvent; dry thor-
any damaged or missing parts.
e. Reassembly.
(2) Inspect the sediment bowl for cracks.
(1) Place the cap (5) in place on the air-
Replace a defective sediment bowl.
cleaner body (6).
(3) Blow out the strainer body with com-
(2) Fill the oil cup (14) to the oil level
pressed air. Use a soft wire to probe
line with the same grade of oil used in
any clogged passages.
(4) Blow out the fuel lines with clean.
oil cup in place on the body.
dry compressed air. Examine the fuel
(3) Secure the oil cup by placing the oil
lines for kinks, breaks, and other
cup clamp (15) in place and tighten-
damage. Replace a defective fuel line.
ing the screw.
(5) Check the strainer body for cracks,
(4) Position the mounting strap (13) on
breaks, and bad threads; replace the
the air-cleaner body (6) and secure it
strainer body if it is defective or dam-
around the body with the machine
(6) Inspect the filter clement (4) for tears
f. Installation.
or clogged mesh. Clean the filter ele-
(1) Position the assembled air cleaner and
ment or replace it if necessary.
mounting bracket in place; secure it in
d. Reassembly and installation.
the exact location as it was before re-
moval with the cap screws. lockwash-
(1) Screw the slotted pipe nipple (2) into
ers, and hex nuts.
the strainer body (l).
Secure the
(2) Install the air tube (3) in the air clean-
s t r a i n e r body in a suitable vise,
er and on the carburetor; secure it in
holding it by the hexagonal part of
place with the four air-hose clamps
the body.