TM 5-4320-218-15
(3) Inspect the points on the breaker arms
(fig. 20) for pitting and burning; re-
place burnt or badly pitted breaker
points (see g below).
(4) Use a breaker point file or stone to
dress the breaker points; adjust the
point gap (see f below).
(5) Inspect the gasket for tears or other
damage. To replace the gasket, re-
move the two screws that secure the
extension plate to the magneto hous-
ing, position the extension plate on
the housing, and secure with the two
f. Adjusting breaker point gap.
(1) Slowly crank the engine until the
are fully open; measure the gap with
a feeler gage, The gap should meas-
ure 0.015 inch.
(2) Adjust the gap by loosening the lock-
ing screws, inserting a screwdriver in-
to the adjusting slot at the bottom of
the contact plate and turning. Tight-
en the locking screws. Recheck the
g. Replacing breaker points and capacitor.
(1) Remove the terminal screw and lock-
washer that secure the coil lead and
breaker arm spring to the contact sup-
port, Remove the snap ring, and lift
the gear cover, and turn the magneto
drive gear so that when the magneto
out the breaker arm.
is positioned on the engine, and its
(2) Remove the two locking screws, lock-
washers, and plain washers securing
drive gear is engaged with the gear
the contact plate; remove the contact
train, the marked gear tooth is visible
through the inspection hole.
(3) Position the new contact plate on the
(4) Secure the magneto (9) with the cap-
magneto bearing support, and loosely
install the two locking screws.
(7), and two nuts (5),
(4) Install a new breaker arm over the pin
(5) Connect the sparkplug cables (1) and
of the bearing support and secure
ground strap (2) to the magneto.
with the snap ring.
(6) Install the elbow (4).
(5) position the breaker arm spring
e. Cleaning magneto breaker points.
against the contact support; secure the
(1) Remove the four screws (10, fig. 18)
spring and coil lead to the support
with the terminal screw and lockwash-
neto and cap to the magneto housing.
(2) Carefully remove the end cap with
(6) Adjust the breaker point gap (see f
the ignition switch wire and spark
above) and tighten the two locking
plug cables in place; remove the dis-
tributor rotor.