TM 5-4320-218-15
the rear shroud covers; remove the
rear shroud covers.
a. Removal.
(3) Lower cylinder shrouds. Remove
(1) Cylinder head shrouds.
the two cap screws (27) and lock-
washers (14 ) that secure each of the
(a) Disconnect the spark plug cables
lower cylinder shrouds (17 and 21)
from the spark plugs.
to the flywheel shroud (7); remove
the lower cylinder shrouds.
(4) Flywheel shroud.
the two spark plug cable clips and
(a) Remove the f rent panel.
cylinder head shrouds (1 and 16)
(b) Remove the flywheel fan.
to the flywheel shroud (7), lower
(c) Remove the cap screws (9) and
cylinder shrouds (17 and 21), rear
shroud covers (19 and 25), and cyl-
wheel shroud (7) to the gearcase
inder heat deflectors (2 and 20).
cover; remove the flywheel shroud.
Lift the spark plug cables, and re-
b. Cleaning and inspection.
move the cylinder head shrouds.
(1) Wash the removed air shrouds with
(2) Rear shroud covers.
an approved cleaning solvent; dry
(a) Remove the screw, nut, and lock-
thoroughly. Use a wire brush to re-
washer that secure a spark plug ca-
move any carbon or dirt deposits.
ble clip to each of the rear shroud
(2) Use a wire brush and compressed air
covers (19 and 25).
to clean the air fins on the engine.
(b) Remove the two screws and lock-
(3) Inspect the shrouds for cracks, breaks,
washers (4) that secure the rear
or bends that would affect the circula-
shroud covers to the cylinder heat
tion of air. Straighten any dented or
deflectors (2 and 20),
bent areas. Replace any unserviceable
( c ) Remove the screws (5) and lock-
parts and hardware.
washers (4) that secure the low-
C . Installation. Follow the procedures out-
er cylinder shrouds (17 and 21) to
lined in a above in the reverse manner.
up the unit with large wood blocks
placed underneath the axle to prevent
a. General.
(1) Tires. The two trailer wheels (4)
(2) Remove the five nuts (28) from each
carry 7.00 x 16 heavy-duty tires (3)
wheel (4), and take each wheel with
and tubes (2) inflated to 45 pounds
with tire from the hub stud assembly
( 2 ) W h e e l s . The two wheels are of the
c. Disassembly.
conventional drop-center type. They
(1) Deflate the tires and tubes, and pry
are 16 inches in diameter, and are
tires and tubes from the steel wheels.
equipped with inner and outer bear-
(2) Remove the inner tubes from the
ings with grease seals and grease caps.
A standard size 7.00 x 16 tube is pro-
d. Cleaning and inspection.
vided with a valve for inflating and
(1) Clean the tires with plain water. Re-
deflating the inner tube and tire.
b. Removal. -
move grease, dirt, and foreign matter
from the wheels using a cloth damp-
(1) Place a hydraulic jack under the axle
ened with an approved cleaning sol-
a s s e m b l y . Raise the unit approxi-
mately 1 inch off the ground. Block