the gear (16) onto the camshaft. Secure with the
end cover (36). Position the cover and gasket
nut (19) and washer (18). Tighten the nut to 85 to
(35) on the block; secure with the screws (37,
90 foot-pounds. When properly assembled, the two
marked teeth on the camshaft gear must be
41, 43, and 45).
engaged by the single marked tooth on the
(21) Install the flywhee and flywheel housing (para
Caution: Failure to aline the timing
marks of the crankshaft and camshaft
gears will prevent engine operation.
(14) Check camshaft end play with a dial indicator. If
end play is not between 0.005 and 0.008 inch,
remove the camshaft timing gear and replace the
thrust plate (13).
(15) Check the clearance between the camshaft and
d. Crankshaft Bearing Replacement Remove and
crankshaft gears as follows: (a) Force the teeth of
replace the bearings without removing the
the gears apart with a screw driver. Attempt to
crankshaft as follows:
insert a 0. 0015-inch feeler gage into the gap
(1) Remove the bearing cap; remove the bearing
between the gears. If the gage will enter, the
from the cap.
clearance is excessive.
(2) Install a pin with an angular head in the oil hole
(b) If the gage will not enter, place a finger at the
junction of the two gears and tap the camshaft
(3) Rotate the crankshaft by hand. The pin will
force the top bearing half out of its seat.
can be felt in the large gear, the clearance is
(4) Position the replacement bearing on the
crankshaft bearing journal.
Rotate the
(16) If gear clearance is too great or too small, the gears
crankshaft by hand. The pin will force the
must be replaced. Replace the gears only in sets.
bearing half into position.
Gear sets are available in standard size (marked S),
(5) Install the replacement bearing half in the cap.
0. 002 and 0. 004 inch undersize (marked U), and
Install the cap.
0. 002 and 0. 004 inch oversize (marked 0). Install
a gear set marked the same as the set removed. 122. Engine Block
Check the clearance as directed in (15) above. If
clearance is too great, install the next smaller size a. Removal and Disassembly.
gear set. If clearance is insufficient, install the next
larger size set.
(2) Disassemble the engine (para 86a(l) and (4))
(17) Install each valve tappet assembly (9, 10, and 11, b. Cleaning. Remove dirt and grease deposits from
fig. 59) in its hole. Check the clearance between
the block with a putty knife. Steam-clean the block.
the lifter and the bore. If clearance exceeds 0. 005
Remove greasy or gummy deposit with a cloth
inch, replace the valve tappet assemblies.
dampened in an approved cleaning solvent.
(19) Install the connecting rod sleeve bearings (19, .f
68) in the connecting rods (17) and connecting rod
caps. Pull the connecting rods against the crank
Install the connecting rod caps on the
connecting rods; secure with two nuts (32) and
cotter pins (33). Tighten the nuts to 70 to 75 foot-
(20) Press a new seal (47, fig. 56) into the front
Figure 73. Removing bearing with angular-headed
TAGO 6355A