Figure 56. External engine parts, exploded view.
Watch the radiator for signs of bubbles
coming from the core during this pressure
b. Cleaning Clean the radiator as directed in
The pressure cap should rise at
approximately this pressure. Shut off the air
c. Testing and Repair.
to the radiator and allow the air to escape
(1) Place the cap tightly on the radiator and
until the safety cap seats. Hold the pressure
seal the drain hole. Block off the upper
for 5 minutes. If no bubbles appear from
hose connections; connect an air line to the
the core, the radiator is good. If bubbles
lower hose connection with an air pressure
appear, mark the origins of the bubbles and
gage in the line. Plug the oil cooler ports.
remove the radiator from the tank.
(2) Submerge the radiator in a tank of water.
(4) Solder any holes foud in the radiator.
Open the air line to the radiator and apply a
pressure of not more than 8 to 10 psi.
TAGO 6358-A