journal clearances and replace bearings as
valve tappet assembly so it may be reinstalled
in the guide hole from which it was removed.
An alternate method of checking bearing
(19) Remove the nut (19) and washer (18) that
clearance is as follows:
secure the gear (16) to the camshaft (1); pull the
(a) Oil bearing and bearing journal with
gear from the camshaft. Remove the key (17).
engine oil.
(20) Remove the two screws (15) and lockwashers
(b) Position a strip of 0.0037-inch feeler
(14) that secure the thrust plate (13) to the
gage, 1/2 inch long, on the bearing cap.
block; remove the plate.
(c) Install the cap on the block; secure with
(21) Pull the camshaft from the block.
the screws (30, 35, and 38) and
lockwashers. Tighten the screws to 855
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean all metal parts in an approved cleaning
(d) Try to turn the crankshaft by hand. If the
solvent. Dry with clean, dry, compressed air.
crankshaft will not turn or a definite drag
Make sure that the crankshaft oil ports are open
by blowing compressed air through each port.
clearance is within tolerance.
(2) Inspect the crankshaft for cracks, scored or
After all main bearings have been installed,
grooved bearing journals, damaged key slots
check crankshaft end play using a dial indicator.
and bolt holes, or other defects.
If end play is not between 0. 003 and 0. 008
(3) Inspect the camshaft for cracks, pit g, worn or
inch, replace the front sleeve bearing (9).
scored lobes or bearing journals, damaged
Install the camshaft (1, fig. 59) in the block.
threads or key slots, or other defects.
Check the clearance between the camshaft
bearing journals and camshaft bearings (20, 21,
c. Installation.
42, and 43) with feeler stock cut in strips 1/4
(1) If the gear (21, fig. 68) is damaged or defective,
inch wide. Dress the feeler stock with a stone to
press the gear from the crankshaft (20).
eliminate burs or feathered edges. Clearance
Position the key (22) in the keyway and press a
between the bearings and journals must be
replacement gear onto the crankshaft. When
between 0. 0015 and 0. 003 inch.
the gear is replaced the camshaft gear (16. fig.
Do not insert the
59) must also be replaced.
camshaft too far into the block. If the
(2) Flatten the seal (68, fig. 56) with a vise or
camshaft bumps the expansion plug on
similar device; install in the rear oil guard (69).
the drive end of the engine, an oil leak
Trim the seal flush with the guard. Install the
could result.
assembled seal and guard in the )lock (28).
If clearance exceeds 0. 003 inch, remove the
Lubricate the seal with engine oil.
camshaft from the block and install new
(3) Position the upper half of the sleeve bearings (5
camshaft bearings. The camshaft bearings are
through 9, fig. 68) in the block. Install the
presized and do not have to be honed after
crankshaft (20) in the block. Install the lower
half of the sleeve bearings in tae bearing caps
Lubricate the camshaft bearings with engine oil
(28, 34, 40, 41, and 43).
and install the camshaft in the block. Position
(4) Check the clearance between the crankshaft
the thrust plate (13) on the camshaft; secure
bearing journals and bearings with plastigage or
Position the backing plate (32, fig. 56) and
(5) Clearance must be between 0. 015 and 0.
gasket (31) on the block; secure with the six
0037 inch. If the clearance is not within these
limits, replace the bearings and recheck the
Position the key (17, fig. 59) on the camshaft.
(6) Check the remaining bearing-to-bearing
Hold the camshaft toward the front of the engine
with a bar inserted into the fuel pump hole.
Aline the timing marks on the camshaft and
TAGO 6358-A