128. General
c. Installation.
a. Description and Function.
(1) The skid base is composed of steel I-
beam side rails heavily braced with I-
Repair a. Disassembly. Disassemble the
beam cross members and one tubular
parts from the skid base as required.
cross member at each end. Additional
steel channels and plates are provided to
mount the components of the pumping
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Steam-clean the skid base and battery
(2) The skid base is of welded construction
box parts.
with the components attached by bolts
(2) Flush the fuel tank with an approved
and nuts.
The fuel tank is mounted
cleaning solvent and drain.
between the side rails of the skid base.
(3) Remove any greasy or gummy deposits
with a cloth dampened with an approved
b. Removal.
cleaning solvent; dry thoroughly.
Assembly. Assemble the parts removed
TAGO 6358-A