64. Description and Function
a Batteries The unit is powered by two 12olt
storage batteries connected in series and contained in a
battery box (7, fig. 3 Located at the rear of the pumping
unit. Quick release connectors are provided on the
battery cables.
b Generator The generator (1, fig. 1) is rated at
24 volts, 18 amperes do (direct current). It is driven by a
V-belt from the water pump pulley. Periodic checks of
the generator prevent unnecessary repairs. The length
of time between inspections varies according to the
generator load and operating conditions. Under normal
usage, inspect the generator every 500 hours of
c Generator Regulator The generator regulator is
mounted on the inside of the flywheel end of the engine
housing. It includes a cutout relay, voltage regulator,
and current regulator. They are mounted on one base
Figure 23. Batteries installed.
and enclosed by one cover.
(2) Disconnect the cables (2, 4, and 5) from
d Starting Motor The 24-volt starting motor (4, fig.
the batteries (3).
1) is located on the side of the engine at the lower rear.
(3) Remove the battery box top frame (l)
W hen in operation, it engages the ring gear on the
from the batteries; remove the batteries.
flywheel to rotate the engine crankshaft.
(4) Position new batteries (3) in the battery
e Magneto. The magneto (2, fig. 2) is of the
box (6) and position the battery box top
rotating magnet, hightension type, designed to provide
frame (1) on the batteries.
radio shielded ignition. It has an impulse coupling which
(5) Connect the cables (2, 4, and 5) to each
assists starting by automatically retarding the ignition
spark during the starting operation. During the starting
(6) If the batteries are the dry harge type,
cycle, the impulse coupling prevents the rotor of the
add electrolyte. Fill to the level indicated
magneto from turning until the engine piston is at top
by the battery manufacturer.
dead center. At this instant, the rotor is snapped forward
(7) Position the cover on the battery box;
at a very high speed, producing an intense spark which
secure with wingnuts.
would be impossible at cranking speeds. The impulse
66. Generator
coupling automatically advances the spark to the
a Output Testing
desired setting while the engine is running.
(1) Connect the generator regulator an
a Service. Add distilled water to the batteries (3)
engine to allow temperature of the
as necessary. Clean the battery posts and cable
generator to reach 77 F.
terminals with a wire brush and a solution of baking
soda. Coat the posts and terminals with grease after
generator speed. With the generator
speed at 1,425 rpm, generator output
must be 4 amperes at 28.5 volts.
b Testing. Check the specific gravity of each cell
(3) W ith the generator speed at 2,850 rpm,
with a battery hydrometer. The specific gravity of each
generator output must be 18 amperes at
cell must be at least 1.250.
28.5 volts.
c Replacement
b Removal
(1) Remove the wingnuts that secure the
(1) Loosen the generator mounting bolts (8,
battery box cover to the battery box (6);
fig. 25) and the belt adjusting screw (3).
remove the cover.
TAGO 6358-A