e. Starter Solenoid Replacement (fig. 28).
(I) Remove the starting motor and solenoid
assembly as directed in a above.
(2) Remove the screw (5) that secures the
lead from the starting motor to the
(3) Remove the two solenoid mounting bolts
from the starting motor. The solenoid
plunger will remain attached to the shift
(4) Remove the pin that secures the solenoid
plunger to the shift lever; remove the
(5) Position the replacement solenoid plunger
on the shift lever; secure with the plunger
plunger and into position on starting motor
housing; secure with two solenoid
Figure 29. Starting motor and solenoid
mounting bolts and lockwashers.
testing circuits.
(7) Connect lead from starting motor to
lines up with the pointer on the flywheel
(8) Install the starting motor and solenoid
(3) Place the magneto in a vise lined with soft
assembly as directed in c above.
cloths and turn the drive lugs of the
7O Magneto
impulse coupling until the lead to plug No.
a. Removal (fig. 20).
6 fires.
(1) Tag the shielded ignition leads (2).
(4) Turn the magneto drive lugs of the
Loosen the nuts (1) and disconnect the
impulse coupling counterclockwise about
leads from the magneto.
one-quarter turn so the drive lugs will
mesh with the driving slots of the
that secure the magneto to the engine
governor drive gear.
front end cover; remove the magneto.
(5) Position the magneto on the engine and
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
tighten the mounting nuts moderately.
(1) Clean the outside of the magneto with a -
Connect the shielded ignition leads (2, fig.
cloth dampened with cleaning solvent;
20) and spark plug ground strap (6).
wipe dry. Take care that solvent does not
(6) Start and idle the engine at 400 to 500
enter the magneto or contact the electrical
rpm. Use a timing light connected to the
rear plug to see if timing is directly at the
(2) Inspect the magneto for cracks, breaks,
worn or broken gear teeth, or other
(7) If not, rotate the magneto assembly until
Remove and inspect the
timing is correct. The lower magneto
distributor head for carbon runners,
mounting hole is slotted. Tighten the
damage, or evidence of failure. Replace
magneto mounting nuts when proper
or refer to higher authority if damaged.
timing is achieved.
c. Timing and Installation.
d. Magneto Point Adjustment.
(1) Remove the rear spark plug. Put a thumb
(1) Remove the four cover mounting screws
over the spark plug hole and crank the
engine by hand until air is ejected from
cover (14) from the magneto.
the cylinder.
(2) Crank the engine until the points are
(2) Set the piston on top dead center by slowly
forced apart as far as possible by the
cranking until the DC mark on the flywheel
TAGO 6358-A