g. Deposits of sludge, scale, and rust on the
j To reverse flush the radiator, refer to figure 34
cooling surfaces prevent normal heat transfer from the
and proceed as follows:
metal surfaces to the water and, in time, make the
coolant system unable to properly maintain normal
(1) Disconnect the hoses at the engine.
operating temperatures. The appearance of rust in the
(2) Put the radiator cap on tight.
radiator or coolant is a warning that the corrosion
(3) Clamp the flushing gun in the lower hose
inhibitor has lost its effectiveness; clean the system
with a hose clamp.
before adding fresh coolant.
(4) Turn on the water and let it fill the
h. Use dependable cleaning compounds. Follow
(5) Apply air pressure and gradually increase
the procedure recommended by the supplier. This is of
to 80 psi to avoid radiator damage.
prime importance because different cleaners vary in
(6) Shut off the air. Again fill the radiator with
water and apply air pressure; repeat until
cleaning and flushing, fill the system with an approved
the flushing stream runs out clear.
antifreeze compound containing a rust and corrosion
(7) Clean and inspect the radiator cap.
inhibitor or water with a corrosion inhibitor.
i. W henever a cooling system is badly rust
k. To reverse flush the engine water jacket, refer
clogged, as indicated by overflow loss or abnormally
high operating temperatures, corrective cleaning by
(1) Remove the thermostat.
reverse flow flushing will most effectively remove the
(2) Clamp the flushng gun in the upper hose.
heavy deposits of sludge, rust, and scale. Perform the
(3) Partly close the water pump opening to fill
reverse flow flushing immediately after draining the
the engine jacket with water before
cleaning solution; it is advisable to flush he radiator first,
applying air.
allowing the engine to cool as much as possible.
(4) Follow the same procedure outlined
above for the radiator by alternately filling
the water jacket with water and blowing it
out with air (80 psi pressure) until the
flushing stream is clear.
78. Oil Filter
77. Description and Function
a. Service fig. 36).
a. General.
The engine has full pressure
lubrication to all main, connecting rod, and camshaft
(1) Loosen the cover bolt (1) and remove the
cover (3), cover gasket, cover bolt, and
insure pin lubrication and prevent piston scoring during
cover bolt gasket (2) from the body (6).
warm up in cold weather, the large end of the
(2) Remove the element from the body.
connecting rods have drilled spurt holes pointing toward
(3) Remove oil from the body and clean the
the thrust side of the pistons. These line up with the oil
body with a clean, lint-free cloth.
hole in the crankpin so that once each revolution, oil is
(4) Install a replacement element in the body.
sprayed on the cylinder wall for lubrication.
(5) Install a cover gasket in the cover.
Position the cover (3) on the oil filter body
b. Oil Pump.
A large capacity, submerged,
(6); secure with the cover bolt (1) and
geartype oil pump is driven off the camshaft.
gasket (2).
c. Oil Pressure Relief Valve.
An adjustable
(6) Operate the engine at fast idle for about
bypass valve automatically maintains suitable oil
10 minutes. Check for oil leaks around
pressure from idle to maximum speed. Normal oil
the filter cover.
pressures are 40 to 50 psi at 1,800 rpm and above 7 psi
b. Removal.
at idling speed (400 to 600 rpm).
(1) Disconnect the oil tubes(4 and 15, fig.
37) at the fittings in the oil filter.
d. Oil Filter. A bypass-type oil filter removes dirt
(2) Remove the four bolts, lock washers, and
and foreign elements from the oil. The removal of grit,
nuts that secure the straps (5, fig. 36) of
sludge, and foreign particles causes filter elements to
the oil filter to the mounting bracket (4);
clog and become ineffective unless they are regularly
remove the oil filter.
TAGO 6358-A