(2) Install the fittings (1, 2, 3, 5, and 16, fig.
37) in the oil filter as shown in figure 37.
(3) Connect the tubes (4 and 15) to the oil
The crankcase breather tube is mounted on the
rear valve chamber cover (90). Each time the engine
oil is changed, check that the breather is not, plugged.
Check breather operation with the engine running. To
clean the breather, remove the two nuts (91) and
gaskets (92) that secure the valve chamber cover to the
block (28); remove the cover and gasket (75). Clean
the cover and breather tube with an approved cleaning
solvent; dry with clean, dry compressed air. Position a
new gasket and, the valve chamber cover on the block;
secure with the two nuts and gaskets.
80. Oil Line and Fitting Replacement
Engine oil lines and fittings are shown in figure
37. Remove and replace lines as necessary.
a. Adjustment.
(1) Remove the plug (74), performed packing
Figure 86. Oil filter.
(73), and spring (72) from the block (28).
(3) Remove the assembled nipple (1, fig.
(2) Remove or add adjusting washers (71) as
37), tee (3), elbow (5), and plug (2) and
necessary to provide oil pressure between
the elbow (16) from the oil filter.
40 and 50 psi while the engine is running
at 1,800 rpm.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(3) Install the spring, a new preformed
packing, and the plug.
(1) Clean the outside of the oil filter with a
(4) Operate the engine and check the oil
cloth dampened in cleaning solvent.
pressure. Repeat (1) through (3) above
Service the oil filter as directed in
until oil pressure is within acceptable
subparagraph a above.
limits. If the proper adjustment cannot be
(2) Inspect the oil filter, mounting parts, and
attained, repair or replace the oil pump.
fittings for cracks, breaks, restrictions,
clogging, stripped threads, or other
b. Replacement.
damage. Replace damaged parts.
(1) Remove the plug (74), preformed packing
d. Installation.
(73), spring (72), washers (71), and valve
(70) from the block (28).
(1) Position the straps (5, fig. 35) around the
(2) Install a replacement valve, washers, a
oil filter body (6); position the assembled
spring, preformed packing, and plug in the
oil filter and straps on the mounting
bracket (4).
Secure with four bolts,
(3) Adjust the valve as directed in a above.
TAGO 6358-A