(see Note below). With the circuit breaker
and the belt adjusting screw (3). Push the
points held just closed, the armature core
generator toward the engine block.
gap must be 0.066 to 0.070 inch. If
(3) Slip the belt off the pulleys and remove
necessary, loosen the screws that secure
from the engine.
the circuit breaker adjustable contact (6)
to the bracket. Adjust the position of the
contact until it is within the required limits.
(5) Adjust the belt tension as directed in a
(6) Position the fan guard (1) on the radiator
The core of each of the three units of
shroud; secure with the fan guard
the voltage regulator consists of a brass
armature stop pin surrounded by an iron
68. Generator Regulator
core. The brass pin extends above the
Testing and Adjustment.
iron core. W hen checking armature
(1) Remove the seal and six machine screws
core gap, measure with the side feeler
with assembled washers that secure the
gage against the side of the brass pin-
cover of the generator regulator to the
not on the brass pin. Gap must be
base; remove the cover.
measured from the iron core to the
W arning
armature only.
: Disconnect the batteries before
(3) Check the armature core gap of the
measuring and adjusting the air
voltage regulator unit (3) and current
gap (point) openings.
regulator unit (1).
With the contacts
closed, insert a 0.056 inch feeler gage
between the core and armature (see Note
above) and attempt to open the contacts.
The contacts should not open. Insert a
0.053-inch feeler gage between the
armature and core and attempt to open
the contacts. The contacts should just
open. If necessary, loosen the screws
that secure the adjustable contacts to the
bracket; adjust the position of the contact
so that the correct gap exists.
(4) To check the circuit breaker opening and
closing, connect the generator regulator
and generator in a circuit as shown in
operate it at 1,800 rpm. Adjust the field
Check the closing voltage of the circuit
breaker contacts. It must be 25.7 to 26.7
(5) Operate the field rheostat so that the
generator is charging at 15 amperes.
Operate at this output for 5 minutes
minimum. Operate the field rheostat to
decrease output while watching the
meters to determine the opening point of
the circuit breaker.
It should open
between 4.0 and 6.8 amperes. If the
circuit breaker fails to open or close within
Figure 26. Generator regulator with cover removed,
the required range, adjust the setting of
showing adjusting points.
the circuit breaker adjusting nut (10, fig.
26) to get the required range.
(2) Check the armature core gap of the circuit
breaker unit (5, fig. 25) with a feeler gage
TAGO 6358-A