(2) Remove the hose clamp (2) that secures
the air intake hose (1) to the air cleaner;
remove the hose from the air cleaner.
nuts that secure the air cleaner brackets
(4) to the dash; remove the air cleaner.
c. Cleaning and inspected.
(1) Clean the outside of the air cleaner with a
cloth Dampened with cleaning solvent.
Service the air cleaner as directed in
(2) Inspect the air cleaner for damage;
replace if damaged.
d. Installation. Installation of the air cleaner is the
reverse of the removal procedure described in b above.
61. Governor
(fig. 20)
a. Adjustment.
(1) Adjust the governor with the engine at
operating temperature and the carburetor
properly adjusted.
(2) Back out the surge adjusting screw (9) so
it will have no effect on engine operation.
(3) W ith the engine running, adjust the high
speed adjusting screw (11) for an engine
speed of approximately 1,950 rpm.
(4) Load the engine. Adjust the high speed
adjusting screw (11) for an engine speed
of 1,800 rpm.
Figure 19. Air cleaner.
(5) Release the load and not the speed of the
(3) Adjust the carburetora above).
(6) Again apply the load and observe the
drop in the engine speed before the
60. Air Cleaner
compensate for the load.
a. Service.
(7) The range of governor action is indicated
(1) Unsnap the air cleaner jacket (3) near the
by the difference between the speed
clamp screw (5).
under load and the speed under no load.
(2) Loosen the clamp screw and remove the
This can be varied with the sensitivity
oil cup (6) from the air cleaner.
adjusting nuts (12). Normally it is not
(3) Empty the dirty oil from the oil cup. Clean
necessary to adjust the sensitivity, which
the cup in an approved cleaning solvent;
is set at the factory.
However, if
dry with clean, dry compressed air.
regulation is too broad, inrease the
(4) Fill the oil cup to the level line with oil of
tension of the governor spring with the
the same type and viscosity used in the
sensitivity adjusting nuts. If regulation is
too close, decrease the tension on the
(5) Position the oil cup (6) on the air cleaner;
Secure by tightening the clamp screw (5).
(8) Screw in the surge adjusting screw (9)
(6) Pull the air cleanerjacket (3) around the
until the engine idles smoothly. Lock the
oil cup and clamp screw; secure with
surge adjusting screw locknut and high
b. Removal.
(1) Remove the air cleaner jacket (3).
TAGO 6358-A