1. Governor
4. Fuel pump
7. Liquid level gage
2. Magneto
5. Fuel filter
8. Pump packing grease cup
3. Carburetor 6. Fuel tank
Figure 2. Centrifugal pumps right side New, with panels open.
Report all equipment improvement
this equipment and the list of maintenance and operating
recommendations as prescribed by TM 38-750.
supplies required for initial operation.
Appendix III
contains the maintenance allocation chart.
2. Record and Report Forms
c. Numbers in parentheses on illustrations indicate
a. DA Form 2258
quantity. Numbers preceding nomenclature callouts on
Vehicles and Equipment).
illustrations indicate the preferred maintenance sequence.
b. For other record and report forms applicable to
d. The direct reporting by the individual user of
operator, crew, and organizational maintenance, refer to
errors, omissions, and recommendations for improving
TM 38-750.
this manual is authorized and encouraged. DA Form
2028 (Recommended Changes to DA Publications) will be
used for reporting these improvements. This form will be
completed using pencil, pen, or typewriter and forwarded
standard Form 46 which is carried
direct to Commanding General, U.S. Army Mobility
by the operator, will be kept in a
Equipment Center, ATTN: SMOME-MPD, 4300
canvas bag mounted on the
Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 63120
TAGO 6358-A