h Shipping Dimension.
d. Capacities.
Length ..................................................120 in.
Crankcase with filter............................8 quarts
W idth ..................................................... 0 in.
Crankcase without filter........................ quarts
Height .................................................... 4 in.
Cooling system ................................ 33 quarts
Fuel tank .........................................13 gallons
W eight .................................3,400 lb (pounds)
i Base Plan.
e Adjustment Data.
Valve clearance:
Base pump dimensions.........................igure 6
Intake ................................017 in. (inch)
j Maintenance and Operating Supplies (8-Hr
Exhaust ................................... 0.020 in.
Period.) Maintenance and operating supplies are listed
Spark plug gap.................................. 0.025 in.
in appendix II.
Magneto breaker points
..........0.008 to 0.012 in.
k Performance Data.
Speed .............................................1,800 rpm
Cylinder head nuts...70 to 75 ft-lb (foot-pounds)
Capacity vs. Head.........245 gpm at 205 ft head
Oil pan and filler block screws
.......12 to 16 ft-lb
729 gpm at 180 ft head
Connecting rod capnuts................70 to 75 ft-lb
1,120 gpm at 100 ft head
Flywheel nuts ................................ 5 to 95 ft-lb
Main bearing cap screws ..............85 to 95 ft-lb
Differences in Models
Camshaft gear nut......................... 5 to 90 ft-lb
This manual covers only cetrifugal pump model
K906EW A. No known unit differences exist for the
g W iring Diagram.
model covered by this manual.
Pump wiring diagram ....................................5
Figure 6. Base plan.
TAGO 358-A