Figure 8. Areas of pump from which packing must be removed.
Figure 9. Areas of pump requiring inspection.
not use a centrifugal pump foruction lifts
g. Check storage battery terminals and all
in excess of 25 feet.
electrical connections. Check each spark plug wire for
tightness. Refer to the wiring diagram (fig. 5) and to
(2) Size of line The required diameter of
suction lines is dependent upon three
factors: capacity required, the length of
the suction line plus the fittings therein
Installation Instructions
equivalent of straight pipe, and the actual
a. Suction Line.
or static suction lift.
Provide a line
diameter which considers these factors.
(1) Capacity. Install the pump to keep the
suction lift as low as possible and the
(3) Air Pockets The highest point in the
suction line as short as possible.
suction line should be at the pump, and
Reduction in the capacity of self-priming
the line should be laid on a gradual
pumps becomes noticeable at lifts in
decline, not
excess of 15 feet and is very pronounced
at 25 feet. Do
TAGO 6358-A