TM 5-4320-300-14
59. Scuff plate
Thread two mounting bolts (across from each other)
through scuff plate and into flywheel and crankshaft.
Tighten bolts hand tight. Remove guide studs. Apply
MIL-T-22361 thread compound to threads and to bolt
head contact areas of remaining bolts. Wipe off excess
thread compound. Thread bolts in and tighten hand
tight. Remove bolts used as temporary flywheel re-
tainers, coat threads with thread compound and rein-
stall fingertight. Torque all bolts in an opposite (across
from each other) pattern to 50 ft lb (68 N.m). Turn
bolts an additional 90 to 120 degrees to obtain clamping.
60. Flywheel
Mount a dial indicator on the flywheel
The radius is measured
runout check
housing. Check flywheel runout at the
from center of fly-
clutch contact face. The maximum allow-
wheel to outer edge of
able runout is 0.001 inch (0.0254 mm)
clutch contact surface.
indicator reading per
inch of radius. If
runout exceeds limits,
remove flywheel and
clean flywheel-to-
crankshaft mating
area. Reinstall fly-
wheel and torque
bolts. Clamp bolts
accurately. Recheck
runout. If runout
exceeds limits, re-
place flywheel.