TM 10-4320-344-24
2.25.1 Packing of Pumping Assembly Model 609-A. (Continued)
(3) Repeat steps (1) and (2) for exhaust pipe outlet opening.
Figure 2-188. Securing Air Cleaner and Exhaust Muffler on Model 609-A.
Secure air cleaner and exhaust muffler on Model 609-A trailer as follows:
( 1 ) P l a c e a i r c l e a n e r ( F i g u r e 2 - 1 8 8 , 1 ) o n t r a i l e r c h a s s i s ( 2 ) , a l o n g s i de
battery cables.
If needed, loosen hose clamp (3) and swivel rubber hose (4)
t o s i d e.
Tighten hose clamp (3).
(2) Check that air cleaner (1) does not extend over trailer side rail (5). Tape
or strap air cleaner (1) to trailer chassis (2).
(3) Place muffler (6) on trailer chassis (2), alongside radiator outlet hose
( 7 ) .
(4) Check that muffler (6) does not extend over trailer side rail (8). Tape or
strap muffler (6) to lower radiator hose assembly (7) and trailer chassis
( 2 ).
e .
Refer to paragraph 2.15.2 and disconnect battery cables from battery.
f .
Using four personnel, install protective plywood cap on Model 609-A as
f o l l o w s:
(1) Lift plywood cap (Figure 2-189, 1 ) a t e a c h c o r n e r a n d p o s i t i o n i t o n t r a i l e r
chassis (2).