TM 10-4320-344-24
Figure 2-191.
Securing Air Cleaner and Exhaust Muffler on Model US636HCCD-1.
(3) Place muffler (5), exhaust pipe (6), and air intake pipe (7) on trailer
chassis (8).
Position them between the engine and the Pump, under the
intermediate housing assembly.
(4) Secure muffler (5), exhaust pipe (6) and air intake pipe assembly (7) to
trailer chassis (8) with tape (9).
g .
Using four personnel, install protective plywood cap on Model US636HCCD-1 as
f o l l o w s:
(1) Lift plywood cap (Figure 2-192, 1) at each corner and position it on trailer
chassis (2).
Steel strapping has sharp edges.
To avoid personal injury, use care when
handling steel strapping.
(2) Secure plywood cap (1) to trailer chassis (2) with four strips of steel
Route two strips over sides and two strips over ends.
strapping seals and strapping sealer, tighten and seal the steel strapping.