removal; secure with four bolts (13) and
lockwashers (14).
a puller to the screws and pull the bushing
(2) Install the keys (9) in the keyways of the
and seal (7) from the thrust plate (4).
stub shaft (10) and position the assembled
(2) Use a pair of external ring pliers to remove
thrust plate (4) and stub shaft on the engine
the retaining ring (6) from the thrust plate.
flywheel housing so that the keyways of the
Press the assembled stub shaft (10) and
shaft engage the keyways of the adapter
ball bearing (5) from the thrust plate.
plate. Tap the thrust plate with a plastic
(3) Use a pair of internal retaining ring pliers to
hammer until it is fully seated on the
remove the retaining ring (3) and press ball
flywheel, housing; secure with 12 bolts (11)
bearing (5) from stub shaft (10).
(4) Remove the seal (7) from the bushing (8)
104. Dash
and remove. the seal (2) from the thrust
a. Removal.
c. Stub Shaft Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Remove hood and side panels from engine
(1) Discard the seals.
(2) Place the ball bearing in a wire basket and
(2) Remove the air cleaner from the dash (para
agitate it in a container of clean solvent until
all grease and dirt is removed.
(3) Remove the instruments and controls from
cleaning, dry thoroughly with compressed
air, taking care not to spin the bearing with
(4) Remove the generator regulator (para 68
air blast. Dip bearing in light engine oil.
(5) Remove the stub shaft and drive
(3) Clean all other parts with an approved
cleaning solvent; dry thoroughly.
(6) Remove the nuts and washers from the tie
(4) Inspect the ball bearing for cracked or
rods that extend through the dash.
scored races, galled or rough balls, and
(7) Remove the eight screws (17 and 19) and
rough or catching operation. Replace the
ball bearing if there is any doubt of its
to the side brackets (20); remove the dash.
(8) Remove the four screws (22) and lock-
(5) Inspect the stub shaft and the thrust plate
washers (21) that secure the side brackets
for cracks, distortion, worn bearing seats,
to the flywheel housing; remove the
damaged retaining ring seats, or other
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(6) Inspect all other parts for cracks, distortion,
(1) Clean the dash with an approved cleaning
or other damage; replace damaged parts.
d. Stub Shaft Assembly.
(2) Inspect the dash for bends, cracks, breaks,
(1) Press the ball bearing (5) on the stub shaft
or other damage; replace if damaged.
(10), taking care to support the inner race of
c. Installation.
the bearing. Secure with the retaining ring
(1) Position side brackets (20) on flywheel
(3). Press the ball bearing against the
housing; secure with four screws (22) and
retaining ring.
lockwashers (21).
(2) Install the retaining ring (6) in the thrust
(2) Position the dash (16) on the engine side
plate (4). Pack the ball bearing with grease
brackets; secure with eight screws (17 and
and press the shaft and bearing assembly
into the thrust plate until the bearing
(3) Install the nuts and washers on the tie rods
bottoms against the retaining ring.
that extend through the dash.
(3) Install the seal (7) in the bushing (8) and
(4) Install the stub shaft and drive (para 103
press the assembled seal and bushing into
(5) Install the generator regulator (para b).
its seat on the thrust plate. Install the seal
(6) Install the instruments and controls on the
(2) in the opposite side of the thrust plate.
(4) Rotate the stub shaft to make sure it turns
(7) Install the air cleaner on the dash.
freely in the bearing.
(8) Install the remaining housing parts on the
e. Installation.
Position the drive adapter (1) on the
flywheel, aligning the match marks made at
TAGO 6358-A