(2) Inspect the control for cracks, breaks,
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean and
stripped threads, or other damage.
Replace if damaged.
c. Installation. Installation of the magneto
c. Installation. Installation of the throttle
switch is the reverse of the removal procedure
control is the reverse of the removal procedure
described in a above.
described in a above. Adjust the throttle control
97. Starter Button
a. Removal.
94. Battery Disconnect Switch
(1) Tag and remove the leads from the
back of the starter button (11, fig.
a .Removal
(1) Tag and remove the electrical leads
(2) Remove the nut that secures the
from the battery disconnect switch (7,
button to the instrument panel;
remove the button.
(2) Remove control lever from front of
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(3) Remove the nut that secures the
(1) W ipe the starter button with a damp
switch to the instrument panel;
cloth. Dry carefully.
remove the switch.
(2) Inspect the terminals of the starter
button for corrosion or damage.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Inspect the button for cracks, breaks,
(1) W ipe the switch with a cloth.
or other damage; replace if
(2) Inspect the switch for corroded
terminals, cracks, breaks, or other
c. Installation. Installation of the starter
damage. Replace if damaged.
button is the reverse of the removal procedure
c. Installation. Installation of the battery
described in a above.
disconnect switch is the reverse of the removal
procedure described in a above.
98. Description and Function
The engine is housed in a sheet metal
95. Choke Control
enclosure, the panels of which are assembled with
a. Removal
screws. The two side panels open to provide
access to the engine and its components. Latches
(1) Disconnect the choke cable (11, fig.
are provided to hold the panels in the open
position. The dash panel mounted at the flywheel
(2) Remove the nut that secures the
end of the engine includes an instrument panel on
which are mounted the control and instruments
instrument panel; remove the choke
necessary to run the pumping unit. The instrument
panel is covered by an access door which latches
in either a closed or open position.
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean and
c. Installation.Installation of the choke control
a. Removal.
is the reverse of the removal procedure described
(1) Remove the screws (7) and
in a above. Adjust the choke control (para 59d (1)).
panels (9 and 24) to the top hood (1);
96. Magneto Switch
remove the side panels.
a. Removal.
(2) Remove the muffler (par 84a) and
disconnect the hose from the air
(1) Tag and remove the leads from the
back of the magneto switch (12, fig.
(3) Remove the 18 screws (5) and
(2) Remove the knob from the switch.
hood (1) to the radiator shell (25) and
(3) Remove the nut and washer that
dash (16); remove
secures the switch to the instrument
panel; remove the switch.
TAGO 8358A