TM 10-4320-344-24
2.11.2 Stud and Thread Repair.
This task covers:
Use With
Trailer-Mounted Pump Assemblies
Gloves, Appendix C, Item 11
609-A, 609-C and US636HCCD-1
Oil, General Lubricating, Appendix C,
Item 16
Oil, Transmission, Appendix C, Item 17
Rags, Wiping, Appendix C, Item 20
General Mechanics Automotive
Solvent, Dry Cleaning, Appendix C, Item 26
Tool Kit, Appendix B, Section
III, Item 1
Air Blow Gun, Appendix B, Section
Equipment Conditions
III, Item 2
Electric Portable Drill, Appendix
Pumping station shut down, TM
B, Section III, Item 2
Goggles, Appendix B, Section III,
Item 2
General Safety Instructions
Screw Extractor Set, Appendix B,
Section III, Item 2
To prevent rolling or sliding, do not work
Twist Drill Set, Appendix B,
on equipment that is not securely
Section III, Item 2
s t a b i l i z e d.
Screw Threading Set, Appendix B,
Section III, Item 3
Do not work on equipment without following
standard shop safety precautions. Repairing Studs or Screws Broken Flush.
(Refer to Figure 2-6, View A)
a .
Center punch broken stud or screw.
Be careful not to drill into the component when repairing studs or screws.
Failure to obey this caution will result in damage to the equipment.
Drill into broken stud or screw using a drill bit 1/16 inch (0.002 mm) less
than the diameter of the broken stud or screw.
c .
Using a screw extractor, remove broken stud or screw.
Figure 2-6. Removing or Repairing Studs or Screws.