TM 10-4320-344-24
2.11.2 Stud and Thread Repair. (Continued)
Figure 2-10.
Installing Threaded Insert.
Insertion tool must be straight and not allowed to wobble when installing
i n s e r t.
Equipment can be damaged.
Do not force insert into tapped hole.
Threads will be damaged.
Put tip of insertion tool (Figure 2-10,
1) against tapped hole being sure that
i n s e r t i o n t o o l i s s t r a i g h t .
l .
Slowly turn handle of insertion tool (1) clockwise until stop collar (2)
c o n t a c t s b o d y o f i n s e r t i o n t o o l ( 1 ).
Turn handle of insertion tool (1) counterclockwise until insertion tool (1)
can be removed.
Place tang breakoff tool (3) in tapped hole with threaded insert (4).
o .
Push down end of breakoff tool (3) until tang (5) breaks off insert.