TM 5-4320218-15
(2) Air cleaner. Cheek the oil level and
sediment content in the air-cleaner
for operations under unusual conditions.
cup daily. Clean and add oil as re-
quired. At weekly intervals (50
to the lubrication guide, lubricants are prescrib-
hours of operation), remove the air-
ed in accordance with three temperature
cleaner bowl, drain, and wash it with
ranges: above
F; from +32 to
solvent. Refill with oil to the proper
and below 10 F. Sluggish starting is an
level. Wash the air filter body in sol-
indication of lubricant-thickening, and is the
signal to change grades prescribed for the next
vent. Add oil to the filter and element;
allow excess oil to drain off.
lower temperature range. ordinarily, it will be
necessary to change grades of lubricants only
(3) Oil filter. Change the filter ele-
when air temperatures are consistently in the
ment after every other oil change. If
next higher or lower range.
operating conditions are extremely
dusty, replace element after every oil
a. The pump assembly should be repainted
(4) Governor and carburetor linkage.
whenever the existing paint shows signs of
Lubricate in accordance with the lubri-
wearing off, cracking, peeling, or deteriorating
in any way.
b. Before starting to paint, make sure that all
24. Lubrication Under Unusual Conditions
machined surfaces, lubrication fittings, breather
a. General. Adjust service intervals speci-
caps and vents, identification plates, wires, and
fied in the lubrication guide to compensate for
other electrical parts are protected with mask-
abnormal operation and extreme conditions,
ing tape, Make sure that paint does not get on
such as high or low temperatures, prolonged
exposed threads of carburetor and governor
periods of high-speed operation, continued op-
control linkage.
c. Paint all exposed surfaces of chassis, hood,
eration in sand or dust, immersion in water, or
fuel tank, instrument panel, and external con-
exposure to moisture, any one of which may
quickly destroy the protective qualities of the
trols. Paint olive drab No. 23 in acordance with
lubricant. Intervals may be extended during in-
specifications MIL-T-704.
and secure, or excessively worn. Any mechani-
cal or electrical condition which may result in
The operator or crew and the organizational
further damage to the unit must be corrected
maintenance personnel must perform their pre-
before equipment is operated.
ventive maintenance service regularly, to make
b. Reporting deficiencies. The operator will
sure that the pump operates effectively and to
report all deficiencies on the prescribed form.
lessen the chance of mechanical failure. See
c. Before-operation service. Perform the fol-
authorized echelons of maintenance.
lowing services to determine if the condition of
the pump has changed since it was last oper-
27. Operator or Crew Maintenance
ated, and to make sure that the equipment is
a. Inspection. Inspections must be made
ready for operation. Any deficiencies must be
before operation, during operation, at halt, and
corrected or reported to the proper authoity
after operation, as described in this section. All
before the unit is put into operation.
inspections of assemblies, subassemblies, or
(1) Fuel. Check fuel supply. See that fuel
parts must include any supporting members or
tank is full. Check fuel strainer;
connections and must determine whether the
clean and drain if necessary.
unit is in good condition, correctly assembled,