TM 5-4320-218-15
3. Explanation of Columns
1. General
The Maintenance Allocation Chart lists all
a. Functional Group. The functional group
maintenance and repair operations authorized
is a numerical group set up on a functional
for the various echelons.
basis. The applicable functional grouping
indexes are taken from the Corps of Engineers
2. Maintenance
Functional Grouping Indexes, and appear on
Maintenance is any action taken to keep
the Maintenance Allocation Chart in their cor-
materiel in a serviceable condition or to restore
rect numerical sequence. These indexes are
it to serviceability when it is unserviceable.
normally set up according to their proximity to
Maintenance of materiel includes the following:
each other and their function.
a. Service. To clean, to preserve, and to re-
b. Components and Related Operation. This
column contains the functional description of
b. Adjust. To regulate periodically to pre-
the part starting with the noun name. It also
vent malfunction.
designates the operation to be performed such
c. Inspect. To verify serviceability and to
as service, adjust, inspect, test, replace, repair,
detect incipient mechanical failure by scrutiny.
and overhaul.
d. Test. To verify serviceability and to de-
c. Echelon Maintenance.
tect incipient mechanical failure by use of
Column 1. First Echelon: First echelon
special equipment such as gages, meters, and
maintenance is that mainte-
so on.
nance performed by the user
e. Replace. To substitute serviceable assem-
or operator of the equipment,
blies, subassemblies, and parts for unservice-
such as servicing, cleaning,
able components.
lubricating, and limited adjust-
f. Repair. To restore an item to serviceable
ments. It also includes removal
condition through correction of a specific
and replacement of items to
failure or unserviceable condition. This func-
accomplish servicing and lubri-
tion includes but is not limited to, inspecting,
cleaning, preserving, adjusting, replacing,
Column 2. Second Echelon: Seccnd Eche-
welding, riveting, and straightening.
lon maintenance is that main-
g. Overhaul. To restore an item to completely
tenance performed by trained
serviceable condition as prescribed by service-
personnel provided for that
ability standards developed and published by
heads of technical services. This is accom-
purpose in the using organiza-
tion, such as replacement of all
plished through employment or the technique
items in column 2, limited parts
of "Inspect and Repair only as Necessary"
fabrication from bulk mate-
(IROAN). Maximum utilization of diagnostic
rial, adjustments, and repair
and test equipment is combined with minimum
of assemblies, components, and
disassembly of the item during the overhaul
end items that