TM 5-4320-218-15
overhaul assemblies, compo-
accomplished without extensive
nents, and fabricate general
use common hardware and
Column 3. Third Echelon: Third echelon
maintenance is that mainte-
Column 5. Fifth Echelon: Fifth echelon
nance performed by specially
maintenance is that mainte-
trained units in direct support
nance authorized to overhaul
of the using organization, such
assemblies, components, end
as replacement of all items in
items, and replacement of all
columns 2 and 3, repair assem-
parts in columns 2, 3, 4, and 5.
blies, components, and end
items, and fabricate parts
d. Symbol "X". The symbol X in the appro-
from bulk material.
priate column indicates the lowest echelon re-
Column 4. Fourth Echelon: Fourth Eche-
sponsible for performing that particular main-
lon maintenance is that main-
tenance operation, but does not necessarily
tenance performed by units
indicate repair parts will be stocked at that
organized as semi fixed or per-
manent shops to serve lower
e. Remarks. The remarks column is used
echelon maintenance within a
to explain why maintenance that would normal-
geographical area, such as re-
ly be done at a lower echelon is moved to a
placement of items in columns
higher echelon because of some peculiarity in
2, 3, and 4, repair end items,
the construction of the end item.