TM 5-4320-218-15
21. On-Equipment Tools and Parts
There are no special tools required for the
maintenance of this pump.
(4) After the grease gun has been filled
22. General Lubrication Information
and assembled, operate the handle sev-
The lubrication guide as shown in figure
eral times to force air from the cylin-
8 prescribes first and second echelon lubrication
der and dirty grease from the hose
maintenance for the pump unit.
b. Cleaning. Wipe all lubricators, fittings,
23. Detailed Lubrication Information
and sufaces surrounding the points of applica-
a. Care of lubrication equipment.
(1) Keep lubrication equipment in a place
plying the lubricant. Use an approved cleaning
where it will be safe from damage and
solvent to clean or wash the lubricators and
free from the intrusion of dust and
nearby surfaces. Do not use gasoline for this
dirt. Clean the equipment both before
purpose. After washing, d r y lubricators
and after use.
thoroughly before applying lubricant.
(2) When filling a grease gun, make sure
c. Points of application. The points of appli-
that the cylinder is completely filled
before the head is installed. This will
d. Lubrication notes. The following detailed
prevent the formation of air pockets
instructions supplement the notes in the current
which otherwise would keep the grease
lubrication guide for some of the more complex
from penetrating to the fittings. T h e
lubrication operations.
presence of air pockets can usually be
detected by springs or by uncertain ac-
crankcase oil level daily, and add oil
as necessary. Drain the oil while the
tion of the grease-gun handle. In cold
weather, the grease gun can be filled
engine is still warm by removing the
easily and properly if both the gun and
drain plug located in the bottom left
lubricant are first warmed. Take care,
side of the crankcase. Install the drain
plug, remove the breather cap from the
however, not to overheat the gun, as
this will warp the metal and damage
leather seals.
oil in accordance with the lubrication
guide. Check the oil level with the bay-
(3) Do not attempt to apply lubricant with
a defective grease gun. If working
onet gage. Be careful not to fill the
parts show signs of failure, requisition
crankcase over the full mark on the
bayonet gage.
a new gun.