TM 5-4320-218-15
the lid of the strainer body can be in-
15. Movement to a New Location
stalled without causing any stress in
a. Open draincock in the bottom of the
the lid when the lid is tightened.
pump and drain the remaining fuel in the pump
d. Cover the suction and discharge openings
into a suitable container.
with appropriate dust covers issued with the
b. Remove the cover plate and clean out any
residue or foreign material which may have ac-
e. Remove all grease, mud, and dirt from the
exterior of the pump, engine, and the trailer
c. After the pump has been stopped, close all
the gate valves and remove the pump strainer.
f. Disconnect the grounding wire and re-
trieve the grounding rod.
(1) Clean the strainer and the suction
g. If the pump is being towed, secure the
front stand support in the up position after the
(2) Seat the strainer basket in the circu-
tow bar is secured to the towing vehicle.
lar groove of the strainer body so that
cup to the level mark with oil specified in the
16. Operation in Extreme Cold
a. General. Special precautions are necessary
to obtain satisfactory performance of the equip-
Note. When servicing the air filter, also check to
ment in subzero temperatures. The precautions
see that the hose clamps to the carburetor are tight
to make all connections as nearly air tight as possible.
given below will help prevent malfunction-
ing and assure continuous operation.
d. Shelter. Whenever possible, locate the unit
(1) Clear the area surrounding the fuel
so as to provide shelter from the elements, us-
tank filler cap and the lip of the dis-
ing a building, snowdrift, canvas, or hill as a
pensing equipment of all snow, ice,
and moisture before filling tank.
e. Starting. Start the unit as instructed in
(2) Keep filler cap tightened to keep snow,
ice, rain, or dirt out of the tank.
up a few minutes before opening the suction
(3) Thoroughly clean container before us-
ing for fuel storage.
(1) Close the discharge valves and then
(4) If possible, keep fuel tank full when
open each valve three turns to reduce
operating the pump in extremely cold
liquid being pumped.
weather. This will prevent an exces-
(2) Adjust the engine throttle so that the
vacuum gage indicates 5 inches of
the fuel lines.
b. Engine ignition system.
17. Operation in Extreme Heat
(1) Replace magneto breaker points that
are pitted or burned. Clean the breaker
a. General. Locate the pump in a well-venti-
cam and lubricate it with a few drops
lated area that will allow a maximum amount of
of engine oil.
cool air for cooling the engine.
b. Cooling system protection. Be sure that all
(2) Remove the spark plugs and reduce
the-normal gap between the electrodes
shrouding is installed and in good condition.
from 0.030 to 0.025 inch. Pretest plugs
Keep cylinder head and cylinder fins free of any
oil and dirt. If dirt accumulates, remove the
Keep plugs free of ice and moisture.
shrouding, clean the fins and vanes, and re-
install the shrouds.
c. Engine air cleaner. Remove the air cleaner
c. Special lubrication instructions. Select the
and wash thoroughly with cleaning solvent; dry
thoroughly. Reassemble and fill the air cleaner