TM 5-4320218-15
ing pumped or the rate of pumping
and regardless of speed of engine.
(1) Location. The oil-pressure gage (7) is
located on the control panel in the up-
per right-hand corner.
(2) Pm-pose. The oil-pressure gage pro-
vides a means of determining the oil
pressure within the lubricating system,
(15) is located on the control panel in
the upper left corner.
registers the rpm of the engine and
m a i n t a i n s a running total of the
engine operating hours.
Shock mount
a. Check valve throttle.
Gage identification plate
(1) Location. The check valve throttle is
Control panel
Vacuum gage
located on the left-hand side of the
Name plate
check valve as you face the gage panel.
Engine oil pressure gage
(2) Purpose. The check valve throttle ad-
Gage identification plate
j usts to the opening and closing of
Pump suction gage
Connector 1/4 in. NPT by 1/4 in.
the check valve. Normally the check
Flex oil line
valve should close automatically when
Throttle control
the pumping operation is discontinued
Pump pressure gage
to retain enough fuel in the pump and
Gage identification plate
suction hose for priming the pump in
subsequent operations. The check
valve throttle can be manually opened
(2) Purpose. The engine vacuum gage is
to drain the liquid back through the
a measure of the engine horsepower
pump and the suction hoses when re-
output. The horsepower required to
drive the pump varies with the weight
of the liquid being pumped and the
(1) Location. The suction gage (9) is lo-
capacity or rate of pumping. For
cated in the lower right-hand corner
example, jet fuel having a specific
of the control panel.
gravity of .8 requires only eight-tenths
(2) Purpose. The suction gage indicates
the pump's suction on a dial grad-
does water having a specific gravity of
uated from 30 psi to +15 psi.
1.0. The engine vacuum gage works
in such a way that the more the vacu-
(1) Location. The pressure gage (13) is
located in the lower left corner of the
To prevent overloading of the engine,
control panel.
always set engine throttle so as to have
(2) Purpose. The pressure gage measures
at least five inches vacuum on engine
the pressure of the pump operation
vacuum gage regardless of liquid be-