TM 5-4320-218-15
them from dust or sand. If possible, store the
expected air temperatures as indicated in the
supplies in a shed or storage room.
d. Fuel system protection. Fill the fuel tank
at the end of each day's operation to prevent an
19. Operation in Salt Water Area
accumulation of vapor in the fuel tank.
a. General. When the pump is operated near
bodies of salt water, the salt air will quickly
18. Operation Under Sandy or Dusty
attack unpainted surfaces. Remove any rust for-
mations immediately and cover the exposed sur-
a. General. Protect the unit from dust or
faces with paint. Lightly coat any machined sur-
as much as possible. Cleanness of the pump is
faces with oil.
important for proper cooling and operation.
b. Special precautions. To prevent rusting of
b. Special lubrication instructions. Take spe-
cylinders, pistons, rings, and valves, remove the
cial care to service the air cleaner as often as
pipe plug from the intake manifold, or dicon-
necessary. When adding oil, remove any dirt or
nect the air cleaner hose and introduce about
sand from around the filler neck. Keep the
one-fourth pint of rust preventative oil to the
crankcase breather cap clean. Lubricate in ac-
warmed-up running engine. A bluish smoke
cordance with the current lubrication guide
will indicate that enough oil was added. Check
all electrical contacts daily; replace corroded
c. Protecting stores of oil and fuel. Keep
stores of oil and fuel tightly closed to protect