TM 10-4930-236-13&P
Discard all mandatory replacement parts.
Replacement of K1 Relay.
Disconnect power cable from receptacle J2 and remove cover (1) and O-ring packing (2).
Tag each of the leads (3-7) connected to the relay (13), then remove nuts (8), lockwashers (9)
and disconnect leads.
Remove screws (10), lockwashers (11) and flat washers (12).
Remove K1 relay (13) with bracket (14) from the junction box (15).
Remove nuts (16), star washers (17), screws (18) and flat washers (19) to separate the relay
(13) from bracket (14).
Mount new relay (13) to bracket (14) with screws (18), flat washers (19), star washers (17) and
nuts (16).
Install the relay and bracket in the junction box (15) and aline the mounting holes.
Install flat washers (12), lockwashers (11) and screws (10).