TM 10-4320-344-24
2.23.7 Brake Actuator Maintenance. Models 609-A and 609-C.
This task covers:
Removal Assembly Disassembly
2 .
23 . 7 . 5 I n s t a l l a t i on
2 .
23 . 7 . 3 R e p a ir
Equipment Conditions
General Mechanics Automotive
Pumping station shut down, TM 10-4320-
Tool Kit, Appendix B, Section
I I I , I t e m 1--
General Safety Instructions
Goggles, Appendix B, Section III,
Do not work on equipment that is not
securely stabilized to prevent rolling
o r s l i d i n g.
Gloves, Appendix C, Item 11
Do not work on equipment without follow-
Rags, Appendix C, Item 20
ing standard shop safety practices.
Solvent, Dry Cleaning, Appendix C,
Item 26
Rivet (TM 10-4320-344-24P
This procedure applies to Model 609-A. The procedure for Model 609-C is
s i m i l a r . Removal.
a .
Remove nut (Figure 2-174,
1) and screw (2) that secure shock absorber (3) to
rear of brake actuator housing (4).
b .
Remove eight connecting link mounting nuts (5), four connecting links (6),
four coupler assembly mounting studs (7), and eight bushings (8).
c .
Remove nut (9), screw (10), and breakaway lever (11).
Remove chain (12) from breakaway lever (11).
e .
Remove coupler assembly (13) from brake actuator housing (4). Disassembly.
a .
R e m o v e n u t ( 1 4 ) , s c r e w ( 1 5 ) , a n d s h o c k a b s o r b e r ( 3 ) f r o m c o u p l er
assembly (13).
b .
Remove rivet (16), pushrod (17), spring (18), and pushrod washer (19) from
coupler assembly (13).
I t e m 2