TM 10-4320-325-14
a. Common malfunctions, which may be found during operation or maintenance of the centrifugal
pump or its components, are listed in Table 4-4, Unit Troubleshooting. Tests/inspections and
corrective actions should be performed in the order that they appear.
b. In general, engine exhaust is an excellent way to identify the condition of the centrifugal pump.
Black or bluish-white exhaust color is normal as the engine warms. When the engine reaches
normal operating temperature, the exhaust smoke should become clear or light blue. If the
exhaust smoke does not change to an acceptable color, a problem may be present.
c. When exhaust color is abnormal, turn off engine immediately and notify your supervisor. Use
Table 4-3, Troubleshooting Exhaust Color, as a
guideline to
identify exhaust symptoms.
Clear or light bluish condition
Normal operating
Continuous black smoke
Seizure of moving part
Continuous bluish-white smoke
Lubricating oil is being consumed
d. This manual cannot list all malfunctions that may occur, nor all tests and corrective actions. If a
malfunction is not listed, or is listed incorrectly, notify your supervisor.
Make sure all applicable Operator and Unit PMCS have been performed