This section contains instructions for operation of the equipment under unusual conditions. These in-
structions supplement those given under usual conditions which in most instances must be followed.
Do not touch metal parts with bare hands in extremely cold weather.
Operation of the gasoline engine powered model presents a noise hazard to
personnel in the area. The noise level exceeds the allowable limits of
unprotected personnel. Wear ear muffs or earplugs which were fitted by a
trained professional.
Ensure that pump is full of fuel before starting. Prime, if necessary.
a. Gasoline Engine. In extremely cold weather, it may be necessary to reduce the volume of cooling
air flowing through the engine. This may be accomplished by obstructing the air intake at the flywheel.
E x e r c i s e c a r e n o t t o c a u s e e n g i n e t o o v e r h e a t .
(1) Engine Fuel System. Keep the fuel tank full to reduce condensation inside the tank. Clean the
fuel filter bowl more frequently. Keep the fuel tank cap free of ice and snow.
(2) Ignition System. Before starting engine, remove all accumulated snow and ice from the spark
plug, ignition cable and magneto.
(3) Engine Operation (- 25°F to 65°F ( 32°C to 54 °C)). For operating procedures, refer to TM
5-2805-275-14, Chapter 2.
b. Electric Motor. Take special precautions to protect equipment in frigid climates or during cold
periods. Use care in handling cables and wire insulation. These items become hard and brittle and are
e a s i l y d a m a g e d . A v o i d s h a r p b e n d s o r u n n e c e s s a r y l o o p s i n c a b l e s a n d w i r e s .