TM 5-4930-230-13
(k) Be sure that fuel to be dispensed to an aircraft is the same grade as that stenciled near the
aircraft filler caps. To avoid spillage, note the tank capacities and ask the pilot or flight engineer for
estimate of quantities needed.
Replace filler cap securely before removing the nozzle bonding wire.
When filling small tanks, it may be necessary to reduce engine speed in
order to reduce pressure surging at the hose and nozzle. (GED)
Recap, wind and secure nozzle bonding wire around nozzles when
dispensing Is completed.
(l) Open second tank dispensing valve just before first tank is emptied and close first
dispensing valve when the tank is empty.
(m) Stop pumping when operation is complete, drain hoses if shutting down for longer than
overnight; rewind hoses and ground wire.
If tank and pump unit Is mounted on other than a 5 ton vehicle, caution
should be taken In filling tanks to avoid exceeding cross-country payload
limits of transporting vehicle.
Refill tanks at the end of the days operation to reduce condensation during overnight
Close dispensing valves on both tanks to reduce spills during overnight storage.
(3) Gasoline engine powered units. Open the tank dispensing valve and start the engine. (Refer to TM
5-2805-257-14, Chapter 2)
a. Gasoline Engine. (RefertoTM5-2805-257-14, Chapter 2.)
b. Electric Motor. Place motor ON-OFF switch in the OFF position. (figure 25)
Figure 25. ON-OFF Switch
2-12 Change 10
*U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1991 - 554-030/40123