All aircraft fuel must be dispensed through a filted/separator unit. It is
mandatory that the performance of the filter/separators on all aircraft
refueling equipment be checked every 30 days through submission of
samples taken from the stream of the filter/separator to assure that the
fuel is clean and dry.
(2) Upon request, the petroleum representative will furnish sample containers to components of
the Army, Army National Guard, or Reserve operating aircraft refueling equipment. Samples will be sent
to the petroleum laboratory designated by the petroleum representative. In the event that a sample in-
dicates unsatisfactory performance of filter/separator equipment, the submitting activity will be notified
by telephone and will be advised to change the filter/separator elements. (Refer to AR 703-1.)
Install adapter away from gas engine to avoid fire. Adapter may be in-
stalled at left hose reel swivel.
(3) The adapter for a water detector kit (figure 2-3) and probe is issued for use with the tank and
pump unit. The kit with probe is to assist the operator in obtaining a fuel sample. The adapter with probe
must be installed after the filter separator. The adapter will couple into the fuel line at the outlet of the
filter separator without any additional adapters or modification.
b. Dispensing from Truck Tanks through Reels.
Be sure proper grounding procedures have been followed prior to dispens-
ing fuel. Maintain a distance of 25 feet (7.6m) between vehicles being
Operation of the gasoline engine powered model presents a noise hazard
to personnel in the area. The noise level exceeds the allowable limits for
unprotected personnel. Wear ear muffs or earplugs which were fitted by a
trained professional.
When dispensing fuel, attend the nozzles constantly do not wedge open
or block the control lever.
(1) Lower tailgate of truck.
(2) Electric motor powered units.
(a) Connect intervehicular power cable, with adapter, to vehicle receptacle and junction box
receptacle J2 (figure 2-1).