TM 5-4320-300-14
stator winding and the lamination. Replace the
stator. Test for stator continuity by connecting
the ohmmeter probes to each pair of the follow-
ing test points:
Point A to point A1
Point B to point B1
Point C to point C1
You should have a low resistance reading (approxi-
mately an ohm or less) in each test. Infinite re-
sistance indicates an open winding. Replace the
stator if it fails any of the above tests or, if the
alternator has been disassembled because of an
electrical malfunction, replace the stator after all
other components have been checked and found
to be satisfactory.
15. Bearings
Insert the rotor shaft into SRE frame bearing and
rotate rotor. Check for looseness, binding, or noise
during rotation, and for other damage. Check drive
end bearing in the same way. Replace faulty bearing.
16. Brush and
Remove brush and holder assembly and leads from
SRE frame. Inspect the brush and holder assembly
for cracks, signs of overheating, and distortion. In-
spect the brushes for cracks, oil saturation, and
wear. If brushes are worn, oil soaked, or cracked,
replace the brush and holder assembly. Depress
brushes in brush holders. Brushes should slide
freely in brush holders. Replace brush springs if
weak. Check that continuity exists between each
brush and its respective lead wire. If brush and
holder assembly is electrically faulty, replace it.
17. Brush and
Install brush and holder assembly and leads
into SRE frame. Tighten mounting and lead
hardware securely.
18. Rotor
Carefully aline rotor shaft with bearing in SRE
Depress brushes in holders and slide rotor
into frame.
19. Frames
Insert and tighten screws that secure SRE frame
to DE frame.
20. Collar, fan,
Install collar, fan, and pulley on rotor shaft;
and pulley
secure with washer and nut. Torque to 50 to 60 ft
lb (68 to 81 Nm).