increase their efficiency and lessen the possibility of
damage due to extreme cold.
Never use salt water in the coolant
Run the engine for at least 1 hour
system of the engine. This will
after adding water to battery
cause extreme corrosion and will
electrolyte. This will allow water
greatly limit life of engine.
and electrolyte to mix thoroughly
and prevent freezing.
b. High Humidity If the pumping unit is installed
29. Extreme Heat
outdoors in conditions of high humidity, erect a shelter,
a. General. Provide special servicing and take
if possible, to protect the unit. If the erection of a shelter
necessary precautions when operating the pumping unit
is not possible, cover the unit with a tarpaulin or other
in extremely high temperatures.
Provide adequate
vapor-barrier material when the pumping unit is
ventilation when operating the unit indoors.
inoperative. During dry periods, remove side panels to
allow engine components to dry. Maintain a full fuel
b. Fuel System
Do not fill the fuel tank
level in the fuel tank to prevent the formation of
completely to the top. Allow room for expansion of fuel
as it heats to ambient temperatures.
c. Painting. In salt water or high humidity areas,
c. Lubrication
Lubricate the pumping unit as
take special precautions to keep the unit painted
directed in the current lubrication order (fig. 14).
properly. Paint all exposed metal surfaces. Coat all
exposed polished metal surfaces with standard issue
d. Coolant System Maintain a sufficient supply of
rustproofing materials, if available, or apply a light coat
coolant in the radiator at all times. Keep the coolant
of grease. Refer to TM 9-213 for preservation and
system free of rust and scale by using only soft water
painting instructions.
with an approved rust inhibitor. Make sure that the
thermostat is providing proper temperature control of the
32. High Altitudes
engine coolant.
Check the fan belts for proper
a. General. As altitudes increase, the thinning of
adjustment. Make sure that the radiator fins are free
the air decreases engine efficiency so that power output
from dirt, corrosion, insects, and other matter that could
drops approximately 312 percent for each 1,000 feet of
reduce cooling efficiency. Adjust the fan belts (para
elevation. Because of the reduced external pressures,
suction lifts decrease and pumping efficiency is also
30. Dusty or Sandy Areas
greatly reduced. Refer to table II. For these reasons, it
is highly important to maintain all other systems at the
a. General. If the pumping unit is permanently
peak of efficiency to assure that all available power is
installed, provide a protective shelter for it.
applied to the pump.
temporary installation, take advantage of natural
barriers to protect the unit as mush as possible. Keep
side panels and the instrument panel cover closed.
Table II. Pump Efficiency at Varying Elevations
Keep the unit free of sand and dirt, taking special care
Altitude (ft)
Percentage of sea
Percentage of
to keep radiator cores clean.
level head
b. Lubrication In sandy and dusty areas, service
Sea level.......................
the oil filter more frequently than directed in the
2,000 ft.........................
lubrication order (fig. 14). Clean all lubrication points
4,000 ft.........................
before and after lubrication. Keep containers tightly
6,000 ft.........................
sealed and stored in a dust-free area.
8,000 ft.........................
10,000 ft.......................
c. Fuel System Take care to prevent the entry of
b. Carburetor Decreased air pressure at high
dust and grit into the fuel system. Clean the fuel
altitudes upsets the calibration of the carburetor, causing
strainer and sediment bowl frequently. Take special
an excessively rich full-air mixture.
Adjust the
precautions to keep the air cleaner properly serviced.
Experience will dictate the servicing interval required.
c. Air Cleaner Take care that the air cleaner is
31. Salt W ater or High Humidity
operating at its optimum efficiency to allow the engine to
a. Salt Water Salt water has a highly corrosive
take in as much of the available air as possible. Service
effect on metals. Prevent contact of salt water with the
unit whenever possible. If unit is exposed to salt water,
wash with fresh water after every exposure.
d. Ventilation
Provide an adequate fresh air
supply to keep the engine of the pumping unit from
TAGO 6358-A