TM 1O-493O-2O4-13
(1) Remove the screw (1, fig. 5-1), cover (2), outlet (3),
and gasket (4) from housing (35).
(2) Remove screw (5), washer (6), and capacitor (7).
(3) Remove screw (8), washer (9), ring (10), screw (11),
camwick and holder (12), and contact assembly (12).
(4) Disconnect wire (14) and remove nut (15), gear (16),
key (17), bearing (18), hub assembly (19), spring (20), coupling as-
sembly (21), washer (22), seal (23), washer (24), and ring (25) from
rotor (29).
(5) Remove screw (26), support (27), tearing (28), and
carefully pull rotor (29) and stop pin (30) from housing.
(6) Disconnect electrical lead and remove capscrew (31) and
coil (32).
(7) Remove clip (33) and bearing
Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
Drycleaning solvent normally has a flash point
of either 100 or 138 degrees F, depending on the
type being used, but may flash at much lower tem-
peratures if contaminated with gasoline or jet
Avoid repeated and prolonged skin contact.
Do not use near open flame or excessive heat.
(1) Clean all parts with a cloth dampened with drycleaning
solvent (item 1, App. F) and dry thoroughly
(2) Inspect all parts for cracks, breaks, wear, and other
Replace defective or damaged parts.
(3) Inspect coil for frayed or deteriorated insulation.
Replace damaged or defective coil.
(4) Inspect all hardware for stripped or damaged threads.
Replace all damaged parts.
(1) Install bearing (34, fig. 5-1) and clip (33).
(2) Install coil (32) and capscrew (31) and connect
electrical leads.