TM 10-4930-204-13
(a) Clean all parts with drycleaning solvent, (item 1,
App. F) and dry thoroughly.
(b) Inspect all parts for cracks, dents, breaks, and
other damage.
Replace defective parts.
(c) Inspect mounting hardware for cracks, breaks, and
damaged threads.
Replace damaged or missing parts.
(3) Installation.
(a) Install air shroud and secure to engine base with
two bolts.
(b) Mount ignition switch and bracket on air shroud
and secure with three bolts (fig. 4-9).
Torque top bolts to 18 ft-lb
(2.5 m-kg).
(c) Install starter pulley (para 4-24b.).
(1) Removal.
(a) Remove starter pulley (para 4-24b.).
(b) Remove air shroud (para 4-24c.).
(c) Using a suitable puller, remove flywheel and key
from crankshaft (fig. 4-10).
Figure 4-10.
Flywheel, Removal and Installation.