3.6.5 Flexible Coupling Assembly Repair, Model 609-A. (Continued)
Note distance between mounting surface of intermediate bracket assembly and
engine side of flexible coupler to ensure proper installation and operation
o f f l e x i b l e c o u p l e r.
a .
Measure distance between intermediate bracket assembly mounting surface
(Figure 3-6, 1) and engine side of flexible coupler (2).
Remove and discard two setscrews (3).
c .
Slide flexible coupler sleeve (4) off of impeller shaft (5).
d .
Remove six cap screws (6) and lock washers (7).
Discard lock washers (7).
e .
Remove plate (8) and flexible coupler (2) from flexible coupler sleeve (4). Repair.
Inspect all
b .
Replace all Assembly.
components and mounting hardware for damage.
defective components.
a .
Slide flexible coupler (2) and plate (8) onto flexible coupler sleeve (4) and
secure with six new lock washers (7) and cap screws (6).
b .
Slide flexible coupler sleeve (4) onto impeller shaft (5).
c .
Position flexible coupler (2) to meet the dimension recorded in disassembly
and secure with two new set screws (3).
TM 10-4320-344-24