TM 10-4320-344-24
2.21.27 Oil Filter and Base Assembly Replacement, Models 609-C and US636HCCD-1.
This task covers:
2 .21.27.1 Removal Installation
2 .
1 .2 7 . 2 R e p a ir
Equiment Conditions (Continued)
General Mechanics Automotive
Tool Kit, Appendix B, Section
III, Item 1
Goggles, Appendix B, Section III,
Item 2
Oil, Appendix C, Item 15
Pan, Appendix C, Item 19
Rags, Appendix C, Item 20
Gaskets (TM 10-4320-344-24P)
Lock Washers (TM 10-4320-344-24P)
Oil Filter (TM 10-4320-344-24P)
Equipment Conditions
Pumping station shut down, TM 10-4320-
Oil drained, LO 10-4320-344-12.
Oil Temperature Transmitter removed, par-
agraph 2.21.20 (609-C).
Oil Inlet Tube Assembly disconnected,
paragraph 2.21.23.
General Safetv Instructions
Do not work on equipment that is not
securely stabilized to prevent rolling
o r s l i d i n g.
Do not work on equipment without follow-
ing standard shop safety practices.
This procedure
s i m i l a r. Removal.
applies to Model 609-C.
The procedure for Model US636HCCD-1 is
To prevent burns or other injuries allow oil filter and base assembly to cool
before removing them.
Failure to obey this warning may result in serious
personal injury.
a .
Place pan under oil filter (Figure 2-142, 1).
b .
Remove and discard oil filter (1).
c .
Remove two bolts (2), lock washers (3),
support (4), two gaskets (5), and
adapter (6).
Discard lock washers (3) and gaskets (5).
d .
Remove plug (7) and flat washer (8).
Discard flat washer (8). Repair.
a .
Clean all fittings and components with clean cloth.