Figure 2-4. Metering kit.
2-10. General
This section contains instructions for operation
of the equipment under unusual conditions. These
instructions supplement those given under usual
conditions which in most instances must still be
2-11. Operation in Extreme Cold
a. General. In extreme cold weather it may be
necessary to reduce the volume of cooling air
flowing through the engine. This may be ac-
complished by obstructing the air intake at the
Exercise care not to cause engine
b. Fuel System. Keep the fuel tank full to reduce
condensation of moisture inside the tank. Clean the
fuel filter bowl more frequently. Keep the fuel tank
cap free of ice and snow.
c. Ignition System. Before starting, remove all
accumulated snow and ice from the spark plug,
ignition cable, and magneto.
Do not touch metal parts with bare
hands in extremely cold weather.
d. Starting (-25° to -65°F).
Be sure the pump is full of product
before starting. Prime, if necessary.
(1) Spray a small amount of engine primer fuel
(FSN 6850-823-7861) in the opening of the engine
air cleaner.
(2) Follow the instructions for starting under
normal conditions (para 2-3).
(3) Operate the engine at 1800 rpm (medium
speed) without load for a minimum of 3 minutes.
2-12. Operation in Extreme Heat
a. General. Accumulated dirt on engine reduces
radiation of heat. Keep the unit clean to avoid
b. Cooling System.
(1) Keep the engine cooling fins clean.